Saturday, December 28, 2019
Cómo ser exitoso pidiendo extensión de visa de turista
Los turistas extranjeros que se encuentran en Estados Unidos con una visa B1 o la combinada B1/B2 pueden solicitar una extensià ³n de su estadà a, si desean permanecer en el paà s por mà ¡s tiempo. Quià ©nes no pueden extender la visa de turista No todos los turistas pueden solicitar quedarse mà ¡s tiempo del que inicialmente les ha sido concedido.à Hay que tener en cuenta algunas situaciones especiales. En primer lugar, los mexicanos que ingresan a Estados Unidos con una visa de cruce BCC, tambià ©n conocida como là ¡ser, deben respetar reglas especiales de tiempo y tambià ©n de millas que se pueden adentrar mà ¡s allà ¡ de la là nea de la frontera. Si sus planes son distintos, deben realizar previamente los trà ¡mites correspondientes. Por otro lado, los canadienses y los ciudadanos de Bermudas pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos como turistas sin visa por un mà ¡ximo de 180 dà as. Pueden salir y regresar al poco tiempo, si bien en este caso se arriesgan a que el oficial fronterizo de la CBP consideren que està ¡n en realidad viviendo en Estados Unidos y les niegue el ingreso al paà s. Los canadienses no deben confundir este plazo migratorio de 6 mesesà con el de impuestos de 120 dà as, es decir, 4 meses. Son cosas distintas que a veces se confunden. Por à ºltimo, los ciudadanos de los paà ses incluidos en el programa de Exencià ³n de Visa pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos como turistas por un mà ¡ximo de 90 dà as y no es posible en ningà ºn caso extender esta estadà a. Imposible. Tener en cuenta que si llegan por avià ³n en una là nea aà ©reaââ¬âes decir, no en una nave privadaââ¬âse necesita solicitar una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica que se conoce como ESTA.à Esta autorizacià ³n no es una visa, por lo tanto es imposible extender lo que no se tiene. Todos los demà ¡s turistas, es decir, lo que ingresan con la visa B-2, que la mayorà a de las veces se emite conjuntamente con la B-1, que es la que se utiliza para negocios, pueden solicitar la extensià ³n. Pero para ser exitoso es conveniente seguir los siguientes consejos.à Cuà ¡ndo se puede solicitar la extensià ³n de la visa de turista Lo primero que hay que tener claro es cuà ¡ndo se puede permanecer legalmente en los Estados Unidos. Para ello, la informacià ³n la brinda el documento que se conoce como I-94. No cometer el error de considerar que la fecha que hay que mirar es la de expiracià ³n de la visa.à Son dos cosas completamente distintas. A continuacià ³n, tener en cuenta que no se debe pedir la extensià ³n muy pronto. Es decir, se aconseja llevar ya unos tres meses ya en los Estados Unidos. La razà ³n para dejar transcurrir ese tiempo es para evitar que las autoridades migratorias consideren que esa fue siempre la intencià ³n y que por lo tanto no se fue claro al ingresar al paà s. Si se da esa impresià ³n lo mà ¡s probable que suceda es que se niegue la peticià ³n de extensià ³n. Por otro lado, tampoco se puede enviar muy tarde la solicitud de la extensià ³n. Se considera que lo prudente es enviarla 45 dà as antes de que llegue el dà a mà ¡ximo de estancia autorizada en los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, si segà ºn el I-94 la estancia autorizada finaliza el 30 de septiembre, enviar la solicitud el 16 de agosto o unos cuantos dà as antes. Cà ³mo se pide extender la visa de turista o paseo Antes de comenzar, verificar la fecha de expiracià ³n del pasaporte. Debe ser và ¡lido en el momento en que se solicita la extensià ³n y asegurarse de que lo seguirà ¡ siendo durante el tiempo para el cual se solicita la extensià ³n de la estadà a. Si se cumple ese requisito, proceder a continuacià ³n a rellenar el formulario I-539.à à El nombre oficial es Application to extend/change nonimmigrant status y es que tambià ©n se utiliza para otras solicitudes. Por lo que es importante marcar y llenar sà ³lo las casillas que apliquen al caso. Documentacià ³n adicional Junto con la forma I-539 debe enviarse elà registro de entrada/salida I-94. Los extranjeros que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos despuà ©s del 30 de abril de 2013 por aeropuerto o puerto tienen una versià ³n digital de este documento. Se puede obtener una copia en la pà ¡gina oficial de la CBP. En los casos de ingreso por frontera terrestre en los que se tiene un I-94 de papel o casos especiales de ingresos por aeropuerto o puerto y se ha extraviado, llenar en su lugar el formulario que se conoce como I-102 para obtener asà una copia. Ademà ¡s, se debe explicar en una carta en inglà ©s y en detalle las razones para pedir la extensià ³n de la visa. Por quà © la estancia en EEUU continà ºa siendo temporal, cuà ¡ndo y cà ³mo se planea salir del paà s y tambià ©n quà © posibles efectos puede tener en el empleo que se tenga en el paà s de origen alargar la estancia en los Estados Unidos. En el caso de que varios miembros de una misma familia se encuentren visitando Estados Unidos, es suficiente rellenar una sola aplicacià ³n para solicitar la extensià ³n de la visa, siempre y cuando la unidad familiar està © conformada por los padresââ¬âo uno de ellosââ¬âeà hijos solterosà menores de 21 aà ±os. En cuanto al tiempo el que se pide la extensià ³n, queda a eleccià ³n del turista siempre y cuando sea por un tiempo inferior a los 180 dà as. Es conveniente ser razonable en este punto y pedir una ampliacià ³n que no resulte sospechosa y dà © lugar a que se pueda pensar que se està ¡ viviendo en el paà s, o se està ¡ trabajando, etc. Si se incluye documentacià ³n en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe traducirse y certificarse la traduccià ³n siguiendo este modelo de carta. Arancel o cuota que pagar para extender la visa de turista En la actualidad deben abonarse $290 por este servicio. Para asegurarse de la cantidad, ya que puede cambiar en cualquier momento, se puede verificar en la pà ¡gina oficial del USCIS y buscar por el nombre del formulario, es decir, I-539 y aà ±adir la palabra arancel en inglà ©s, es decir, fee. Tambià ©n es posible marcar gratis al Servicio al Cliente del USCIS marcando gratuitamente al 1-800-375-5783. Se puede pagar mediante money orden o mediante un cheque en dà ³lares de un banco o de una institucià ³n financiera con oficinas en Estados Unidos y pagadero a nombre del U.S. Department of Homeland Security. No utilizar abreviaciones como DHS o USDHS. Oficina a la que se envà a Para la extensià ³n de la visa de turista existen dos direcciones a utilizar, corresponde una u otra dependiendo del mà ©todo de envà o.à Por correo ordinario: USCIS Dallas Lockbox U.S. Postal Service:USCISP.O. Box 660166Dallas, TX 75266 Por correo urgente o por servicio de mensajerà a: USCISATTN: I-5392501 S. State Highway 121 BusinessSuite 400Lewisville, TX 75067 Decisià ³n de las autoridades migratorias El USCIS notificarà ¡ por escrito si concede o no la peticià ³n de extender la visa de turista. Por esta razà ³n, es fundamental que la notificacià ³n llegue a su destino y no se pierda por el camino. Por lo tanto, si se cambia de domicilio es importantà simo notificarlo, aunque lo recomendable, si es posible, es seguir en el mismo sitio hasta que llegue la carta. La decisià ³n del USCIS puede ser de tres tipos En primer lugar, se aprueba la peticià ³n de extender la visa. En este caso la nueva fecha tope para poder permanecer legalmente en Estados Unidos la seà ±ala el nuevo I-94. Siempre y cuando la extensià ³n se hubiera pedido dentro del periodo de presencia autorizada, no se incurrirà ¡ en presencia ilegal mientras se espera por la aprobacià ³n del USCIS, aà ºn cuando esta llegue con fecha posterior a la seà ±alada en el I-94 de ingreso al paà s. En segundo lugar -y esto es de gran importanciaââ¬âla falta de contestacià ³n por mà ¡s de 240 dà as. A partir de ese dà a se considera que la presencia del turista es ilegal. Y en tercer lugar, se niega la peticià ³n. En este caso hay que salir inmediatamente de los Estados Unidos. No se dice cuà ¡ntos dà as exactamente se tiene que salir. Pero la obligacià ³n es que se salga de forma inmediata. Ademà ¡s, en estos casos, hay un problema aà ±adido: se considera que se da una situacià ³n de presencia ilegal a contar desde el dà a en que expirà ³ el I-94 cuya extensià ³n ha rechazado el USCIS. Es decir, desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias esa persona es inadmisible lo cual tiene efectos inmediatos en la validez de laà visa de turista. à ¿Cuà ¡ntas veces se puede pedir la extensià ³n de la visa? La ley no dice que exista un nà ºmero mà ¡ximo de veces. Pero sà el tiempo mà ¡ximo que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos con una visa de turista contando todas las extensiones aprobadas: 1 aà ±o. Por lo tanto no se puede encadenar extensiones pasado ese là mite. Errores que se deben evitar Una creencia extendida y que es completamente equivocada es la de entender que si no se sale a tiempo pero la estancia ilegal es por pocos dà as pues que no pasa nada. Sà que hay consecuencias, desde el dà a primero. Ademà ¡s, si la estancia ilegal se prolonga por mà ¡s allà ¡ de medio aà ±o, aplica ademà ¡sà el castigo de los tres o de los 10 aà ±os. Por otra parte, muchos turistas creen que pueden viajar a Mà ©xico, Canadà ¡ o a las Bahamas por avià ³n o por tierra y luego regresar y obtener asà un nuevo I-94. Pero eso no es asà , para obtener una nueva fecha en el I-94 habrà a que haber viajado fuera de toda Amà ©rica del Norte. Y aà ºn viajando a otro paà s, debe siempre tenerse en cuenta la frecuencia de los ingresos a Estados Unidos, pues podrà a dar lugar a problemas al llegar al puesto de control migratorio, por tierra, mar o aeropuerto. Algunas opciones poco conocidas En casos muy concretos, es posible viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y volver a entrar con una visa expirada. Es lo que se conoce como revalidacià ³n automà ¡tica. Pero està ¡ sujeta a requisitos muy estrictos.à Tambià ©n en casos muy especà ficos, es posible restaurar el estatus migratorio cuando se ha fallado a la hora de salir a tiempo o pedir la extensià ³n de la visa a tiempo. Consejos para mantener la visa de turista Para acabar este artà culo, seà ±alar que no sà ³lo la presencia ilegal puede dar lugar a problemas a la hora de mantener la visa de turista. Es muy importante respetar la intencià ³n de la visa: simplemente turismo. Por lo tanto si se desea casarse, hay que tener en cuenta ciertas precauciones. Si se quiere estudiar a tiempo completo, o lo que es lo mismo, mà ¡s de 19 horas, la visa que hay que solicitar es la de estudiante o, en su caso, la de intercambio. Y que por supuesto està ¡ prohibido trabajar con esta visa. Para ello hay que estar autorizado por un documento migratorio que lo permita. Trabajar sin estar autorizado es una violacià ³n migratoria.
Friday, December 20, 2019
William Faulkner s Work Is Now Some Of America s Classics
William Faulkner, a small boy, from a small town, without a high school diploma, accomplished way beyond what most most people in his circumstance could. Now often introduced as one of the twentieth centuryââ¬â¢s greatest writers or Nobel Prize winning novelist, Faulknerââ¬â¢s work is now some of Americaââ¬â¢s classics. When asking the question nature vs. nurture in regards to William Faulkner the answer is obvious, itââ¬â¢s nurture. Examining his life, one can see that Faulknerââ¬â¢s success and talents came from his surroundings and not through luck of the draw. This great poet and writer not only had the unwavering encouragement from his immediately family, but also countless friends that pointed him in the direction of success. Children look to no two people more for support and guidance than their parents. For Faulkner this meant a great amount of exposure to the arts, particularly, writing and poetry. Know as Willie when he was a child, Faulkner grew up in a family with an intense women presence. His mother and grandmother were both strong willed people. His father was an alcoholic that that didnââ¬â¢t have much influence on his life. Williamââ¬â¢s lack of an adequate male role model in his life, promoted his attachment and admiration of his mother, Maude. ââ¬Å"Faulknerââ¬â¢s mother and grandmother who were avid readers, photographers and painters played an important role in his artistic and visual language education.â⬠This influence was very significant, because parents often have a huge impact on theirShow MoreRelatedGothic Literature : Gothic Writing1974 Words à |à 8 PagesThe history of gothic literature is a discussion of how the classic gothic literature has morphed into todayâ⠬â¢s contemporary gothic literature. From the beginning days of gothic writing one of the main focuses has been on the issues that were relevant in the county or world at the time. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Digital image analysis of yell Essay Example For Students
Digital image analysis of yell Essay Digital Image Analysis of Yellowstone National ParkIntroductionRemote sensing refers to the tele-observational surveying and mapping of physical, urban and environmental features. Remote Sensing is also a composite of many other subjects such as aerial photography, radar surveying, thermal surveying, weather forecasting and photogrammetry. It has now become quite common practice to use remotely sensed data to take inventory, monitor and develop effective management practices of our natural resources. ObjectiveIt is the purpose of this paper to further enhance the understanding of remotely sensed data in such a way that we may assist the human brain in the extraction and interpretation of this data through digital image analysis data manipulation techniques, such as rectification, enhancement and classification. The application of conventional and non-conventional image enhancement /classification procedures will be applied to an area of The Old Faithful section of the North Fork forest fire within Yellowstone National Park as it existed on September 8, 1988. They will also be applied to Nile Delta region of Egypt. Conventional technology in the context of this paper refers to imagery that is uni-dimensional, that is, it has only one spectral band available for analysis. The term non-conventional will refer to imagery that has multi bands available for manipulation and analysis. Methods of enhancement utilized in the multi-band portion of this project include: colour and histogram image enhancement normalization and image algebra enhancement filtering image enhancement band transformations (eigen pictures) image enhancement coventional methods of enhancementMethods of classification utilized in this project include: signature training ( sampling) supervised classification, PPD, Mindis, Maximumlikliehood unsupervised classification, histogram equalization, clusteringMethods of enhancement used in uni-scene portion of this project include: histogram equalization uni-band filtering image enhancement Data AcqisitionData acquisition refers to the data by means of information gathering about the scale selection of the remote sensing formats and the target identification of the surveyed and mapped resources. In this analysis we have acquired Landsat Thematic Mapper data which consists of seven spectral bands and covers a 512512 picture element area. The Landsat ground resolution or pixel size is 3030 metres which translates to an area coverage of 235.93 square kilometres of ground coverage, which is a subset region of the Yellowstone National Park. The Nile Delta region is located in nothern Egypt and the data acquired was originally acquired for delta topgraphy. The data is Landsat MSS with one available band and covers a 580640 picture element area. The Landsat MSS ground resolution is 8080 metres which translates to an area coverage 2211.84 square kilometres of ground coverage. In addition to the above mentioned sources of data, a supplimental map has been attached with the defined study area. Data ProcessingRefers to the process whereby one observes, classifies. and analysis specific targets or features found on the imagery and defines and explains the importance of those results. Data Application/UtilizationThe surveying and mapping of either environmental, physical, or human resources from aerial photographs or satellite imagery. The main purpose of data application is to make an inventory, monitor, and make proper resource management plans for the future. ConclusionA comparison of the conventional (single band) and unconventional (multi-band) enhancement and classification is necessary to complete this analysis of image enhancement and image classification in digital image analysis. It is quite obvious that the multi-band data set was more useful and flexible when it came to classification and enhancement. Many methods of enhancement were applied to the multi-band data and there were a lot of methods to chose from, depending on the type of features that were to be highlighted. That is not to say that the conventional methods of classification and enhancement are obsolete. It only means you must chose the best methods of enhancement to highlight a particular area in which you are interested.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres tells a dark tale o Essay Example For Students
Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres tells a dark tale o Essay f a corrupt patriarchalsociety which operates through concealment. It is a story in which the charactersattempt to manipulate one another through the secrets they possess and thesubsequent revelation of those secrets. In her novel, Smiley gives us a verysimple moral regarding this patriarchal society: women who remain financially andemotionally dependent on men decay; those able to break the economic and emotionalchains develop as women and as hum ans. Roots of A Thousand Acres can be seen in numerous novels and plays, themost obvious of which is King Lear. The parallels are too great to ignore. Smiley is successful because she fills in so many of the gaps left open in theplay. She gives us new an d different perspectives. One of the particular strengths of the novel lies in its depiction of theplace of women in a predominantly patriarchal culture. In this male dominatedculture, the values privileged in women include silence and subordination. Ginnyis acceptable as a woman as long as she remains oblivious (121). She is allowedto disagree with men, contingent upon her doing so without fighting (104). Ultimately, her opinion as a woman remains irrelevant. Ginny remarks, of courseit was silly to talk about my po int of view. When my father asserted his pointof view, mine vanished (176). When she makes the mistake of crossing herfather, she is referred to as a bitch, whore, and slut (181, 185). It could be argued that many of the male characters in the novel aresuffering from a type of virgin/whore syndrome. As long as the women remaindocile receptacles they are good; when they resist or even question masculineauthority, they are bad. Rose complains, When we are good girls and accept ourcircumstances, were glad about it.When we are bad girls, it drives us crazy(99). The women have been indoctrinated to the point that they initially buy intoand accept these standards of judgem ent. The type of patriarchy described bySmiley simply serves to show the inscription of the marginalization of women bymen in the novel and in our society. Another strength of the novel is its treatment of secrets and appearances. Like characters in a Lewis or Bellow novel, the characters in A Thousand Acres aremore concerned with maintaining a veneer of social respectability than withaddressing reality. Life, for them, becomes some kind of facade. Nearly everyone has a secret andnothing is as it seems. Our narrator tell us, They all looked happy (38); andlater, Most issues on a farm return to the issue of keeping up appearances(199). Amid all of the sub-plots and mini-themes (and there are many) in AThousand Acres, the one recurring theme which stands out is Smileys criticism ofa masculine-dominated culture. The one element clearly valued in a woman by thispatriarchal society is silence. The girls sat quietly (95) and they are goodgirls. For a woman to express her own feelings in the novel can lead to harmfulrepressions. So it is that Ginny suppresses her voice. Her inability andunwillingness to stand up to her father, and even to Ty (in reference to thebabies especially), shows that she allows herself to remain marginalizedthroughout much of the novel. In A Thousand Acres, Smiley tries to capture the tensions of real everydayliving in her representation of a dysfunctional rural family steeped in apatriarchal tradition. She shows the effects of the unreasonableness of ourpatriarchal society and indi cts it in the process. Ginny is defined within adouble set of cultural constraints. She is confined not only by prevailingexpectations regarding social behavior but also by those governing the properbehavior of women. Reticence is an essential part of the code of feminine decorumbased on the idea of womans inherent weakness and the need to defer to and relyupon masculine strength and protection. By allowing Ginny to break the chains ofreticence and flee, literally, to a new life, Smiley turns w eakness into strengthas she envisions a more reasonable (and perhaps more feminized) social order. Sheforces us to ask what ideals we are being sacrificed to patriotism? Maintaining appearances? Maintaining patriarchal standards? Smiley speaks for all who have been marginalized when she states (through Jess), Maybe to you itlooked like I just vanished, but I was out there (55)!
Thursday, November 28, 2019
FRQ backcountry rebellions free essay sample
Pennsylvania, had become a hotshot of political and racial unrest. Inhabitants of this town, including many Scots-Irish immigrants, had grown tired of their governments lack of interest in their vulnerability from outside attacks and inadequate supplement of means for defending themselves. So in December, after a day of heavy drinking, the Buxton Boys decided to take it upon themselves to defend their own. The boys raided a small village of friendly, peacefulConestoga Indians, killing 6 and taking 14 captive. This led to warrants being sent Out for their arrest, but because Of fellow frontiersmen who felt the same as they did, there were no arrests. Soon after, the Buxton Boys began a march on the capital. There were no altercations though, because Benjamin Franklin and other civic leaders decided to meet with the boys. They reached an agreement where the group was disbanded in return for a meeting between officials and the Buxton Boys leaders. We will write a custom essay sample on FRQ backcountry rebellions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The March of the Buxton Boys is significant in many ways.The rebellion was an example of the tensions that ad developed between the regions and social classes. It also showed how far along the hostilities between frontiersmen and Indians had developed. Another rebellion that incited changed in Continental America was the Whiskey Rebellion. The rebellion began when an excise tax was placed on all distilled spirits to help pay for the war debt, accumulated from the Revolutionary War. Farmers were unhappy with this new tax because they had been taking their extra crops and turning it into whiskey. This idea had become so popular, that some had begun using whiskey as a bartering tool.In Western Pennsylvania, resistance to the tax had gotten so bad that when a collector can to collect the tax, the man became upset and attacked the home of tax collector General John Manville. The president responded by sending the militias of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to disperse the rebellion. The rebellion was broken up soon after that though, so no confrontation with the army took place. This rebellion showed that this new, hatching of a country had the ability and willingness to call forth and suppress insurgency.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Lord of the Flies Summary
'Lord of the Flies' Summary William Goldingââ¬â¢s 1954 novel Lord of the Flies tells the story of a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a civilizing impulse, the children eventually become violent and brutal. In the context of the novel, the tale of the boys descent into chaos suggests that human nature is fundamentally savage. Chapters 1-3 The novel opens with a young boy named Ralph and a chubby, glasses-wearing boy as they walk onto a lagoon wearing their school uniforms. We soon learn that they are part of a group of boys who were evacuated during the war and who survived the plane crash that followed what they suspect was an enemy attack. As Ralph and the other boy that there are no adults around, they decide they must attract the attention of any other surviving children. Ralph locates a conch shell and begins to blow into it, summoning the other boys with the noise. The chubby boy reveals that the other children used to call him Piggy. Ralph believes rescue is imminent, but Piggy argues that they must get organized because they may be stranded for some time. The other boys choose Ralph to be their leader, although the choice is not unanimous; the choir boys, led by Jack Merridew, do not vote for Ralph. Ralph gives them permission to form a hunting group. Ralph quickly establishes a rough form of government and order, exhorting the boys to enjoy their freedom, work together for their mutual survival, and maintain a smoke signal on the beach to attract any potential rescuers. The boys in turn agree that anyone holding the conch gets to speak without interruption. Ralph, Jack, and a boy named Simon are the popular leaders and begin a tense partnership. They explore the island and confirm it is deserted, but locate fruit trees and a herd of wild pigs that Jack decides he and his friends will hunt. The boys use Piggyââ¬â¢s glasses to spark a fire, but Piggy quickly finds himself an outcast despite his friendship with Ralph. Simon begins overseeing the construction of shelters, concerned for the younger boys- referred to as ââ¬âºlittluns.ââ¬â¢ Chapters 4-7 The initial burst of organization doesnââ¬â¢t last long, however. Without adults, most of the boys refuse to do any sort of work and instead spend their time playing and sleeping. At night, rumors of a terrible monster in the trees sparks a panic. Ralph insists monsters do not exist, but Jack says otherwise. He claims that his hunters will find and kill the monster, which boosts his popularity. Jack gathers a group of boys for a hunting expedition, which takes them away from the job of maintaining the signal fire. The fire goes out. Shortly after, a boat moves past the island, but does not spot the boys thanks to the lack of fire. When Jack and the other hunters return in triumph with a pig, Ralph confronts Jack, complaining that they missed their chance at rescue. Jack, angry at his moment being ruined, knows he cannot fight Ralph, and so beats up Piggy, breaking his glasses. As the boys cook and eat the pig ravenously- ignoring warnings about eating undercooked pork- Ralph tells Piggy he wants to stop being the leader, but Piggy convinces him to stay on. Piggy is terrified at what might happen if Jack took over completely. One evening, there is a dogfight between planes near the island, and a fighter pilot ejects. Killed in the air, his body floats down to the island and becomes entangled in the trees. A boy sees his corpse and parachute and is terrified, convinced that he has seen the monster. Jack, Ralph, and a boy named Roger head off to hunt the monster, and all three boys see the corpse and run in terror. Chapters 8-12 Now convinced that the monster is real, Ralph calls a meeting. Jack attempts a coup, but the boys refuse to vote Ralph down, and Jack leaves in a anger, saying he will start his own tribe. Roger sneaks away to join him. More and more boys begin to sneak away to join Jackââ¬â¢s tribe, lured by the roast pigs that Jack and his hunters are able to provide. Jack and his followers begin to paint their faces, and behave in an increasingly savage and primitive manner while Ralph, Piggy, and Simon try to maintain a semblance of order at the shelters. Simon, who sometimes suffers mental attacks, goes off into the woods frequently to be alone. Hiding, he observes Jack and his tribe perform a ritual designed to satisfy the monster- they impale a pigââ¬â¢s head on a sharpened stick and leave it as a sacrifice. It quickly becomes swarmed with flies, and Simon hallucinates a dialog with it, referring to it as the Lord of the Flies. The Pigââ¬â¢s Head tells Simon he is foolish to imagine the monster is a flesh-and-blood thing; it is the boys themselves who are the monster. The Lord of the Flies then tells Simon that the other boys will kill him, because he is the soul of man. As Simon walks away, he comes across the dead pilot and realizes that he has found proof that the monster does not exist. He runs back to the other boys, who have begun to dance in a crazed ritual. When Simon begins crashing through the trees, the boys believe he is the monster, and all the boys- including Ralph and Piggy- attack him in terror, killing him. Meanwhile, Jack has realized that while the conch is a symbol of power, the true power lies in Piggyââ¬â¢s glasses, which is the groups only means of starting a fire. Jack has the support of most of the boys, so he conducts a raid on Ralph and his remaining allies in order to steal Piggys glasses. Ralph goes to their home on the other side of the island, a rock formation known as Castle Rock. He takes the conch and is accompanied by Piggy and just two other boys, twins named Sam and Eric. He demands that Jack return the glasses. Jackââ¬â¢s tribe ties up Sam and Eric, and Ralph and Jack engage in a fight. Piggy, alarmed, takes the conch and attempts to address the boys, pleading for order. Roger sneaks up above Piggy and drops a heavy rock on him, killing the boy and destroying the conch. Ralph flees, leaving Sam and Eric behind. Jack hurts the twins until they agree to join his tribe. Jack orders the hunters to go after Ralph, who is told by Sam and Eric that they intend to kill him and impale his head on a stick. Ralph flees into the woods, but Jack sets fire to the trees to drive him out. As the flames begin to consume the whole island, Ralph desperately runs. Hitting the beach, Ralph trips and falls, only to find himself at the feet of a British naval officer. A ship spotted the flames and came to investigate. All of the children, including Ralph and Jack, suddenly begin to cry, collapsing in exhausted grief. The officer is stunned and expresses disappointment that good British boys would fall into such a state of misbehavior and savagery. Then he turns and studies his own warship contemplatively.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflection 10 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflection 10 - Assignment Example is Wynne who argues that advanced language aptitude is something which is possessed by humans alone and the decisive factor which differentiates humans from apes. The kind of linguistic abilities exhibited by Kanzi are only the result of his imitations, so the very idea of ape language synonyms with parroting. Savage-Rumbaugh, on the other hand, defends her argument in favor of Kanzi and ape language by claiming that the linguistic achievements of her subject, Kanzi, are a living proof that apes can also learn a human language. This idea that language and many other unique cognitive abilities are uniquely possessed by humans is groundless and prejudiced. One important reason why Savage-Rumbaughââ¬â¢s research on Kanzi cannot be equated to parroting is that Kanzi did not develop his linguistic capacities through rote learning or behaviorist methods. Rather, his learning began from a very young age when he was younger. This young age is a very critical period for learning language f or both ape and human babies. Like human babies, Kanziââ¬â¢s responses also reflect same
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Employees' Development plan supporting individual and organizational Research Paper
Employees' Development plan supporting individual and organizational effectiveness in an organisation - Research Paper Example Introduction The global financial crisis has turned some companies to scrimp on their budgets just keep them afloat in these difficult times. Many people have lost their jobs as a result of the budget cuts. For employees left to work to help their companies rise above the economic crunch, training and development are ensured in the expectation that it will contribute towards the betterment of not only the individual employee but of the whole organization as well. Employee development has been identified as key to improving overall organizational effectiveness. Jacobs and Washington (2003) have defined it as: ââ¬Å"Employee development refers to an integrated set of planned programs, provided over a period of time, to help assure that all individuals have the competence necessary to perform to their fullest potential in support of the organizationââ¬â¢s goalsâ⬠( 344). One organization that continues to reap success in spite of the economic crisis is McDonaldââ¬â¢s Food Co rporation. This company has gained a reputation for excellent standards in food and service. Recently, it is also being known as a supportive employer offering a remarkable employee development program. Background of the Organisation McDonaldââ¬â¢s was first developed by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald in 1940. They concentrated on just a few products with their juicy hamburgers as their main seller. In 1954, Ray Kroc was appointed by the brothers to be the first franchisee in San Bernardino, California. He opened his first restaurant the following year in Des Plaines, Illinois and the McDonaldââ¬â¢s Corporation was created (, 2010). The company upheld the highest quality in food, service, cleanliness and value that Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (Q.S.C. & V.) became the company motto since 1957. In 1961, Ray Kroc bought all rights to the McDonaldââ¬â¢s concept from the McDonald brothers ( He also opened the Hamburger University in El k Grove, near Chicago where people intending to be in the business were given high quality training and development. Since then, McDonaldââ¬â¢s kept growing in terms of business and innovative products and concepts that attracted the international market to acquire franchise stores in their countries. The awards reaped by the company throughout the years prove that McDonaldââ¬â¢s is one company committed not only to the highest standards of excellence in the food service industry but also to being a great employer that motivates its employees to strive for their best performance. Literature Review on Learning and Employee Development Nowadays, people have more access to learning. More and more training courses are developed and offered in schools and online for people who want to go further in what they know to gain skills and knowledge in their own areas of interest. The term learning may be defined in a myriad of ways. ââ¬Å"Learning is the act or process by which behaviora l change, knowledge, skills and attitudes are acquiredâ⬠(Boyd, Apps, et al., 1980:100-101). Learning is not limited to schooling, especially for adult learners who seek knowledge from many sources other than schools. Knowles et al. (2007) theorizes that adult learning is organized around the notion that adults learn best in informal, comfortable, flexible and nonthreatening settings. Employees who engage in further learning have their own motivations that urge them to carry on. The motivation to learn is affected by the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Final exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Final exam - Assignment Example The women also fail to challenge patriarchy rule in their societies, as well to challenge menââ¬â¢s dominance over them. Women, according to Hooks, should be compatible with the blame of sexism and not view it as a competing ideology between men and women. Kimmel is of the view that most violent people in the industrious world are men. He sees gender inequality as a key cause of violence. According to him, women exhibit aggression in terms of gossips unlike men who are quite physically aggressive (Kimmel, chapt12). In the United States history of gender violence, gender violence by men has been termed as a proof of manhood. Men view violence as a form of communication to women. He states that images of masculinity create a violent society. Men and women are concerned with aspects that exaggerate their biological differences. Love and friendship is termed as traditionally feminine, while sexual behavior is increasingly defined as masculine. Masculinization of sexuality is as a result of transformation in sexuality and sexual revolution with the promise of sexual freedom that has fewer emotional and physical consequences (Kimmel, chapt11). Men and women have different conceptions about sex understanding and fantasies. Kimmel; hence, argues that gay men in the society have low rates of committed relationships, while lesbians have the highest rate of committed relationships. He concludes that men place sexuality at the center of their lives while women are interested in affection and care in the context of a love relationship. The ââ¬Å"sexual peaksâ⬠difference between men and women is thought to be biological, but Kimmel argues that it is a reflection of the social organization of marriage in a society. According to Fone, the Sodom story was not a punishment to homosexuality. He states that Sodom was conflacted with varied kinds of social deviances. The sodomites were accused of being heretics, traitors, adulterers, hypocrites, idol
Friday, November 15, 2019
WSH Management System with Legal Compliance
WSH Management System with Legal Compliance Coordinate WSH Management System with Legal Compliance Background of My organization GREATLAND(S)ENGINEERING PTE,LTD. COMPANY PROFILE GREATLAND(S)ENGINEERING PTE, LTD work with main-con SK Engineering construction In the Company was prequalified by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore to undertake all major mass transit rail (MRT) system developments with undisclosed contract value. Within half a year, the Company has been awarded MRT contracts with total value exceeding 350Million Singapore Dollars by LTA. The company is also currently in the stage of participating in new and coming tenders for MRT projects East-West cable tunnel by LTA in Singapore. We boast a tradition of integrated project Company and technical expertise in the railway construction industry. Our unique blend of corporate culture, sound business strategies, experience, strong financial status and advance technology contributes to excellent results and the dynamism of the Company. Confidently offers the most cost-effective and efficient integral design and construction solutions to all our customers. Project name: East-West cable tunnel and project value 350 million dollars. Starting on December 2012 and complition on dec 2016. 1) Explain the WSH roles, responsibilities and authorities for any four (4) of employees that should be defined in the WSH Management System. (i) Project Manager/Senior Deputy Project Manager To Chair the Project Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) committee To lead, execute and implement the SHEMS (SHE Management System) To implement Companyââ¬â¢s corporate safety programs and procedures To ensure the provision of safe and healthy working environment for all staff To ensure that all statutory requirement, codes of practice and companyââ¬â¢s safety rules and regulations are complied with To oversee performance of sub-contractors and ensure that they comply with legal requirements and safety standards To review safety issues and recommendations for improvement on safety To develop and maintain close liaison and regular communication with relevant statutory authorities To conduct regular inspection and audit on the safety provisions on site To establish and maintain a positive safety climate on the project site To ensure the WSH Committee carries out investigations recommendations for any incident, accident, near miss or dangerous occurrence that such actions are recorded (ii) WSH Officer Assist in the implementation of the siteââ¬â¢s workplace safety and health environmental programmes Assist in identifying and assessing any foreseeable risk arising from the workplace or work processes therein To recommend reasonably practicable measures to eliminate, minimize or control any foreseeable risk to any person who is at work in the workplace or may be affected by other work processes in the workplace Assist to implement the approved Safe Work Method Statement and Risk Assessment Exercise general supervision and inspection of the observance of the provisions of the WSH Act and any regulations made thereafter Advise site management on legal environment, health and safety requirement and company safety procedures To monitor performance of sub-contractors ensure their compliance with legal requirements safety standards To update management on new changes in legal requirements relating to workplace safety and health Organise safety programme and activities to promote safe conduct of workers To investigate all incidents/accidents or dangerous occurrences recommend means to prevent recurrences Report and liaise with the management, relevant authorities on inspection, audit and other safety, health and environment issues Serve as the secretary in the site WSH committee (iii) WSH Coordinator/WSH supervisors Conduct daily inspection and act on unsafe acts and conditions Train and monitor workers safe work practices Maintain and monitor safety records and checklist To assist in the investigation of accidents/incident/dangerous occurrences recommend remedial actions, if necessary To liaise with authorities subcontractors on WSH matters Assist in identifying any unsafe condition / unsafe act recommend / implement reasonable practicable measures to correct the situation Monitor the conduct of daily toolbox meetings and Job Safety Analysis briefings Act as assistant secretary of the site WSH committee (iv) Engineers To be in-charge of overall structural work and inspection To comply with all legal safety requirements and company safe work procedures To conduct regular inspection and audits on the safety provisions on site Supervise and ensure subcontractors comply with legal safety requirements and safety standards Ensure that the approved Safe Work Method Statement and Risk Assessment are implemented by subcontractors and all employees. To participate in safety talks, toolbox meetings and briefings To report any incidents, assist in investigation. Rectify unsafe conditions and correct unsafe act promptly on site. Attend safety meetings to contribute to a safe working environment 2) Identify at least three (3) stakeholders relevant to the chosen work and explain how the WSH roles, responsibility and authorities would be communicated to the stakeholders. 3) Describe three WSH management system in used in workplace and explain any five (5)elemaents of theWSH management system in detail and how your organization implement it. Safety training ââ¬â it is necessary to equip workers at all level with knowledge, skills and attitude so that they can perform their job in a safely manner. Its is also necessary to establish procedures to identify traning needs and provide adequate safety training to all levels. Records of training should also be documented and maintained at all times. In- house safety rules and regulations ââ¬â it needs to be established and enforced to ensure all working personnel know their roles and responsibilities in safety that they need to comply e.g. proper use of PPE, operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment, proper handling and storage of hazardous materials and reporting of hazards and incident. Incident investigation and analysis ââ¬â it is to establish the cause of incidents and to prevent recurrence of the incidents. Procedures to identify, record, investigate and analyse incidents should be established and maintained so that corrective actions can be implemented to prevent recurrence of incidents. Five (5) Elements of theWSH management system Risk Assessment /Hazards analysis Safe work practices Safety promotion Safety inspctions Emergency preparedness 4) Identify resources required for the implementation of WSH management. Resources required for implementation of WSH management may include; Human resources (manpower) Financial resources Equipment and tools allocation Space allocation Specialised skills Scheduling of implementation 5) By means of a flow chat, explain how You coordinate and document a management review on WSH Management System and illustrate types of record to be documented for Management review Management meeting ââ¬â during the meeting, all the relevant stakeholders will be issued a copy of the WSH management system for review. Pre start meeting ââ¬â during the pre start meeting, the WSH personnal would present the slides on the respective elements of the WSH Management System to all the stakeholders involved. Safety induction course ââ¬â during the SIC, all stakeholders would be briefed on the implementation of the WSH Management System on site. Toolbox Meeting Record: 6) Prepare all legal register for your workplace 7) Explain how your workplace procedure for checking organizational compliance with applicable WSH legal and other requirement. Organization should document and maintain records of safety training provided for all working personnel in the organisation. Training records may include; Personnel who are provided with training. These include employees as well as sub ââ¬â contractorââ¬â¢s employees. Duration of training Schedule of training including date and time of training, topics, trainers and details of assessments. Sequence of training includes the order in which training content, activities and how assessment is conducted. Type of training include skills based, knowledge based and target of training whether for workers, supervisor or managers. Trainerââ¬â¢s particulars including their competency and experience in the training topics 8) List of Communication channels at your workplace to reach out to Stakeholders Communication channels Toolbox meeting WSH committee meeting Work progress meeting Management meeting Technical meeting WSH training WSH Inspection Repots Feedback Email Safety poster Newsletters Phone calls 9) Explain how you Coordinate compliance audit for your workplace Arranging the schedule e.g. date of audit, duration of audit, start time of the audit, plant to conduct the audit and scope of the audit. Engaging a competent auditor e.g consultant or Auditing Agencies. Conducting the meeting e.g. opening the meeting, discuss the audit programme with the introduction of auditor and auditees, familiarisation tour at the site process and site utilization plan, verification of effective implementation SHMS involving reviewing of documents, procedures and records, interviewing of personnel and phyisical inspection, evaluation of audits findings and exit the meeting.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Sleep Deprivation Among College Students Essay -- Sleep Deprivation Es
à à à à à Sleeping is something that is an essential part of human nature and is a must in order for one to be a functional human being. Sleep is an idea that is accompanied by many wivesââ¬â¢ tales, including the ideas that one needs seven to eight hours of sleep each night and alcohol helps one fall asleep and sleep more soundly. One myth about sleep is that during sleeping, one is in a state of nothingness. In truth, however, it has been discovered that during sleep the brain is active, variations in heartbeat and breathing occur, and the eyes and ears are active throughout the time of sleep. These activities during a personââ¬â¢s sleep are important because they help that person be more aware, awake, and alert during consciousness. If all of these important activities occur during sleep, why is it that people are so willing to short themselves of this vital activity? Although much about sleep still remains a mystery, research and experiments continue to show how i mportant sleep is to each and every person. Throughout this paper, I will discuss sleep and the effects that it has on performance and health, especially in college students. A college studentââ¬â¢s sleeping pattern is a reliable indicator to their level of performance in the classroom and other school-affiliated activities, as a lack of sleep leads to decreased performance. Sleep is directly related the level of performance and health in an individual; the more rested a person is, the better that person will perform and feel (Dryer, 2006). à à à à à One question that people seem to be unsure about is exactly how much sleep is enough sleep? In Inside Insomnia: How to Sleep Better Tonight, Dryer tells that the ideal amount of sleep may vary from person to person. She states that while seven to eight hours may seem to be the accepted average, there are no fixed norms. Some people sleep two hours nightly, while others sleep nine to twelve hours nightly without complaint. She goes on to say that as long as the hours of sleep that one has gotten leaves them feeling energetic and alert the next morning, then that person has met their sleep needs. Sleeping in excess does not always allow the person to feel more awake the next morning. Dryer believes that trying to sleep longer than needed will lead to hours of tossing and turning, and not necessarily feeling more awake the next morning. Basically, the ideal amount of sle... ...nied by misperceptions, illusions, and even hallucinations due to the lack of needed sleep (Zammit). Although rare and extreme, cases such as these have been documented. Sleep deprivation can also be detrimental when associated with emotional trauma. When deprived of sleep during a time of emotional distress, people are at a greater risk of becoming psychotic and needing electroshock therapy. While many of these effects are rare, they all have been known to exist. Research shows that sleep is a necessity in order for someone to be able to perform at their maximum potential. College students are no exception to the rule and are often at a greater risk to suffer from conditions that accompany sleep deprivation. Regardless of the time period, a college student must be well rested in order to perform at his or her best in terms of physical performance, memorization capabilities, and test-taking abilities. Also, without adequate sleep, the person will be more susceptible to illnesses, both mental and physical. In conclusion, I believe that sleep deprivation among college students is extremely common and has a direct effect on how well that student will perform or feel. à à à à à à à à à Ã
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Metaphysical Poetry Essay
In the view of some critics, poems of this period have ââ¬Ëdelighted, puzzled and alienated readersââ¬â¢. What do you consider to be the demands and rewards for the readers of Metaphysical poetry? Refer in detail to at least three poems from this section of the anthology. You should consider the argument of the poems and the poetââ¬â¢s choices of language and verse form. Metaphysical poetry bases its ideas on explaining an extended metaphor, often on important and intellectual subjects such as the transience of life, mans relationship with God and love, in a context that entertains readers rather than boring them. This extended metaphor is known as the metaphysical conceit. It is often subtle, and therefore to some readers can be overlooked. However, for the readers who are able to uncover it, it can provide a deeper insight into the true meaning of the poem and can also make them question their own views on the subject, this is the reward intellectual readers receive from reading metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical poetry is often directed at intellectual readers. Some phrases in the poems would require prior knowledge to understand. This means that not all readers would be able to grasp the true meaning of the poem, or would overlook phrases. For example, in To His Coy Mistress Marvell uses several biblical references, such as ââ¬ËI would love you ten years before the floodââ¬â¢. This refers to Noahââ¬â¢s ark, and the flood depicted in the Bible. By using this image he is expressing that he would love her ten years before the beginning of time, and this is a subtle but strong compliment to his love. He also uses another biblical reference, ââ¬ËAnd you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jewsââ¬â¢. Those with prior knowledge would understand the idea that the Jews will never convert. The speaker in the poem is saying that she could refuse him forever and he would still love her. A reader who does not have biblical knowledge would surely overlook these phrases, but a reader who understands the strong compliments in this statements would have a much more enjoyable read of the poem, and would discover an extra level of meaning. This is one of the rewards of reading and understanding Metaphysical poetry. The idea of religion works in metaphysical poetry more than just in references to create subtle ideas. Religion is a common topic in Metaphysical poetry. Poems such as Love by George Herbert are based entirely around religion. In this poem, the speaker describes his interaction with God. This image of God is also personified as Love, and may suggest that God is love. Again, some readers may overlook this, and not realise that the person described in the poem is actually God. The way we can see that this figure is God is due to the use of lexis from the semantic field of religion. Words such as ââ¬Ësinââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ësoulââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËLordââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëserveââ¬â¢ are all present, and this lexis is common in religious literature. The idea of religion works both ways, however. In To His Coy Mistress, although there is some reference to religion ââ¬â as discussed earlier ââ¬â there are also several phrases that donââ¬â¢t give an image of religion. The phrases ââ¬Ëdeserts of vast eternityââ¬â¢ is used to describe the afterlife, and this is an image that many Christians would not believe to be the afterlife. Marvell is suggesting a different view from the idea that everyone will go to either Heaven or Hell, an advanced view for a man living in an extremely religious time. One major device metaphysical poets use is the idea of a metaphysical conceit. All the metaphysical poems uses a metaphor to compare dissimilar things. For example, in Robert Herrickââ¬â¢s To Daffodils people are likened to daffodils, in relation to the transience of life. He uses phrases such as ââ¬Ëhaste away so soonââ¬â¢, and ââ¬ËWe have short time to stay as youââ¬â¢. He is saying that, like daffodils, people will die too. This is a strange concept, but as you read the poem you begin to understand his logic. It would take a sophisticated mind to understand the ideas Herrick presents, but those who do understand would receive a deeper understanding of his argument. Structurally, Metaphysical poets use structure to present ideas in a clear and logical fashion. The ideas are often complex, and so, like an essay about a complicated topic, structure helps the reader understand. One common form of structure is to separate the poem into parts, each with an argument that leads to a clear conclusion. In To His Coy Mistress Marvell separates his argument into three parts. In the first part he describes what he would do if he had all the time in the world, how he would ââ¬Ëadore each breastââ¬â¢ for two hundred years. However, in the second part he describes how he does not have that amount of time to adore her, and that she would die long before, and ââ¬Ëworms shall try that long-preserved virginityââ¬â¢. In the final part Marvell concludes that as he does not have the time to adore her how he wishes, she should yield to his passion. This is a developed argument in three parts, and is a form of syllogism. It helps the reader understand the intent of the poem in a similar way to using paragraphs would in an essay. Rhythm is also used in metaphysical poetry to express the writers values. In To Daffodils the writer is presented as a person who has an unusual lack of trepidation for death. The opening quatrain is written in a mixture of iambic tetrameter and trimeter. This gives it a childish and nursery rhyme like rhythm. This helps to show the reader how the writer is uncaring about the situation, and is almost nonchalant about death. The line ââ¬Ëstay, stayââ¬â¢, puts a halt to the childlike rhyme, but in a way could be perceived to make the first stanza sound almost like a lullaby. This makes the poem seem very calm and simple, feelings not usually associated with death and the transience of life. Feeling the effects of this rhythm show the reader the true feelings of the writer in a way many would not see. In conclusion, the metaphysical poets used many different devices to hide away many of the main ideas of their poems. Whilst many readers can understand the basic idea of the poem, they will not gain a full understanding of the point the poet is trying to make unless they have the knowledge and understanding required of a reader of Metaphysical poetry. For this reason, many will feel puzzled and alienated, whilst others will be truly delighted once they have gained the deeper understanding.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Indepth Analysis of of Hector essays
Indepth Analysis of of Hector essays Hector is the mightiest warrior in the Trojan army. Although he meets his match in Achilles, he wreaks havoc on the Achaean army during Achilles' period of absence. He leads the assault that finally penetrates the Achaean ramparts, he is the first and only Trojan to set fire to an Achaean ship, and he kills Patroclus. Yet his leadership contains discernible flaws, especially toward the end of the epic, when the participation of first Patroclus and then Achilles reinvigorates the Achaean army. He demonstrates a certain cowardice when, twice in Book 17, he flees Great Ajax. Indeed, he recovers his courage only after receiving the insults of his comrades- first Glaucus and then Aeneas. He can often become emotionally carried away as well, treating Patroclus and his other victims with rash cruelty. Later, swept up by a burst of confidence, he foolishly orders the Trojans to camp outside Troy's walls the night before Achilles returns to battle, thus causing a crucial downfall the next d ay. But although Hector may prove overly impulsive and insufficiently prudent, he does not come across as arrogant or overbearing, as Agamemnon does. Moreover, the fact that Hector fights in his homeland, unlike any of the Achaean commanders, allows Homer to develop him as a tender, family-oriented man. Hector shows deep, sincere love for his wife and children. Indeed, he even treats his brother Paris with forgiveness and indulgence, despite the man's lack of spirit and preference for lovemaking over military duty. Hector never turns violent with him, merely aiming frustrated words at his cowardly brother. Moreover, although Hector loves his family, he never loses sight of his responsibility to Troy. Admittedly, he runs from Achilles at first and briefly entertains the delusional hope of negotiating his way out of a duel. However, in the end he stands up to the mighty warrior, even when he realizes that the gods have abandoned him. His refusal to flee e...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Importance Of Higher Education
Importance of a Higher Education Some people say that the world has many opportunities; some say that you canââ¬â¢t get anywhere unless you are born to some certain class of people. Some even say that it is pure fate that brings you where you are going to be and what you get is what you get and you canââ¬â¢t do anything about it. I think that people decide their own fates and it doesnââ¬â¢t matter who was your parents or how much money you have. I think that your education is the most important thing that you can have in life it can bring you many things like; advancement, family, stability, a career, and of course knowledge. In many countries your job is already decided when you are born because of what your parent does for a living and their stature in society. That is many people say that the United States is the land of opportunity, you can do what ever you want with your life as long as you earn it and have the right qualifications. You can decide weather you want to continue after high school and education or get a minimum wage job. Many people take that right for granted and they put off college until they after they have a family and get settled with out knowing that their family will take up the rest of their lives. In fact, in 1999, only 66 percent of people ages 24-29 obtained a bachelors degree or higher, found on People who are from other countries who move to take advantage of this right we take for granted understand the purpose of a higher education. Advancement is inevitable no matter what you do you will have to be going forward in some way. Weather your advancement is to a new position in your job or a whole knew career, even if all you are doing is going to the next day you are advancing. I think that if you want to decide where you are going to advance, you have to have a good education. If you donââ¬â¢t have a good education you are going to play life like that lottery, you may go to a better job whe... Free Essays on Importance Of Higher Education Free Essays on Importance Of Higher Education Importance of a Higher Education Some people say that the world has many opportunities; some say that you canââ¬â¢t get anywhere unless you are born to some certain class of people. Some even say that it is pure fate that brings you where you are going to be and what you get is what you get and you canââ¬â¢t do anything about it. I think that people decide their own fates and it doesnââ¬â¢t matter who was your parents or how much money you have. I think that your education is the most important thing that you can have in life it can bring you many things like; advancement, family, stability, a career, and of course knowledge. In many countries your job is already decided when you are born because of what your parent does for a living and their stature in society. That is many people say that the United States is the land of opportunity, you can do what ever you want with your life as long as you earn it and have the right qualifications. You can decide weather you want to continue after high school and education or get a minimum wage job. Many people take that right for granted and they put off college until they after they have a family and get settled with out knowing that their family will take up the rest of their lives. In fact, in 1999, only 66 percent of people ages 24-29 obtained a bachelors degree or higher, found on People who are from other countries who move to take advantage of this right we take for granted understand the purpose of a higher education. Advancement is inevitable no matter what you do you will have to be going forward in some way. Weather your advancement is to a new position in your job or a whole knew career, even if all you are doing is going to the next day you are advancing. I think that if you want to decide where you are going to advance, you have to have a good education. If you donââ¬â¢t have a good education you are going to play life like that lottery, you may go to a better job whe...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Probability Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Probability - Lab Report Example Both parents have pairs of chromosomes out of which one is transferred to an offspring at random. An offspring therefore, independently, and randomly, derives one of each pair of chromosomes from each of the parents. Probability therefore helps to understand chances and possibilities of genetic compositions of offspring based on their parentsââ¬â¢ genetic compositions (Olofsson, p. 56). This paper seeks to investigate probabilities of outcomes of events in tossing two sided coins. The paper will explore and compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities from tossing the coins for conclusions over inheritance of genes. The experiment was conducted by repeatedly flipping a coin. With twenty events, observations were made for head, tail, and frequencies recorded. The experiment was repeated with two simultaneous tosses and pairs of observations recorded. Results, as reported from individual observations, differ from expected frequencies though they are evenly distributed across expected frequencies. The combined class observations however converge towards the expected frequencies. This means that the genetic probabilities that can be derived from outcomes of the coins converge to theoretical probabilities when a large number of events are considered. Probability therefore significantly explains inheritance of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Is Hate Speech in the Media Directly Affecting our Culture (responses) Assignment
Is Hate Speech in the Media Directly Affecting our Culture (responses) - Assignment Example Henry is of the opinion that the kind of culture portrayed in the media makes human being lose their sense of humanity. By watching violent behaviour on television children tend to adopt what they have seen in the media. Societal degradation is rife and rising in the name of entertainment and glorification of America. People no longer care about each other and the poor and homeless are considered lazy. In his response he states that ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ many groups who are considered marginal because they are poor, unemployed, people of color, elderly or young have not just been excluded from the American dream but have become utterly redundant and disposable waste products of a society that no longer considers them of any valueââ¬â¢. He adds that suffering and violence is applauded and recognized in holly wood. The homeless and poor are seen as a burden to the state and instead of having compassion for the homeless, homelessness is considered a crime. He adds that sleeping, sitting, soliciting lying down or loitering in public places is considered a criminal
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Movies 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Movies 2010 - Essay Example Some influences have arisen from the movie such as the need for technological advancement, development of computers, and the need to explore the unknown world. The characters in the film have also helped pass a given message thereby persuading the audience.The actions in the film greatly helped in telling the story and passing the intended idea and themes to the audience. The use of music and soundtracks was another approach that was used to pass the intended message to the audience. Different songs about development explained the need for change and others were adequate and representative of violence. These played a huge role in making the film entertaining and easy to understand.Ã Some influences have arisen from the movie such as the need for technological advancement, development of computers, and the need to explore the unknown world. The characters in the film have also helped pass a given message thereby persuading the audience.The actions in the film greatly helped in telli ng the story and passing the intended idea and themes to the audience. The use of music and soundtracks was another approach that was used to pass the intended message to the audience. Different songs about development explained the need for change and others were adequate and representative of violence. These played a huge role in making the film entertaining and easy to understand.Ã In this second mission, the agenda was to set foot in an attempt of revealing what could have happened to Discovery, and why the craft did not return. The film begins with a flashback on what happened to the computer Hal 900 hence killing four of the astronauts aboard the craft. The fifth astronaut by the name Bowman David is shown to have lost to a large monolith planet, an alien body orbiting around the earth. So as to accomplish this new mission, the Superpowers of the world, the Russians, and Americans join hands and be in the position of understanding the fate of the first craft, Discovery. It is during the mission when the scientists from both countries discovered that the fault of the Discovery was due to an order was given to the computer so that it can conceal vital information to the crew.Ã
Monday, October 28, 2019
Technology and Decision Making Essay Example for Free
Technology and Decision Making Essay The quality of patient care, communication between health care staff, and the safety of patients has greatly improved since the onset of technology. Through the improvement of information technology, the ability to collect data and manage the decisions based on the data collected has enhanced in the clinical setting as well as in the business portion. Health care informatics incorporates theories from informational science, computer science, and cognitive science (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). This information helps to gather and process it in order to make an informed decision. Important information could be missed if the data is ignored. Some of the most recent technology which includes the internet and cell phones has made it possible to access information quickly in order to make the best decision for the patient in order to provide good quality care. Technology changes every day and it is important to keep up with these changes that will help support clinical decisions made by the caregivers. This paper on informatics will show the systems and information theories, the DIK model, and the role of the expert system in nursing care and medicine. System and information theories System. ââ¬Å"A system is a set of related interacting parts enclosed in a boundaryâ⬠(Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p.5). There are many types of systems which include but are not limited to: computer systems, school systems, health care systems, and people. Systems can be living or nonliving, open or closed. Closed systems do not act with the environment whereas open system have the ability to act with the environment. Open systems can be used to understand technology and those individuals associated with its use. This type of system takes input from the environment, processes it, and then returns it back to the environment as output, which serves as feedback. This theory can better help the individual understand the way people work with systems in the health care industry and allow for a visualization of the whole picture. A common term using in computer science is GIGO, ââ¬Å"garbage in, garbage outâ⬠. This applies in the sense that a system is only as good as its user. If the user is inputting garbage, or poor quality data, the computer is likely to output the same. A system requires an accurate source in order for accurate material to be produced as a result. Open systems have three types of characteristics which include: purpose, functions, and structure (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). The purpose is the reason for the existence of the system or the program and is most often stated in the organizationââ¬â¢s mission statement. This is true for health care organizations, churches, and schools. For example, the mission statement of the local public health department to promote health, prevent illness, and control communicable disease by providing quality services, health education, and environmental services for the community. Computer systems are often classified by their purpose and may have more than one purpose. By selecting a purpose that all individuals agree upon within the organization, a system can be chosen. It is important to take the time to identify the purpose with all those who will be using the system. Functions identify the methods in which the system will achieve its purpose. ââ¬Å"Functions are activities that a system carries out to achieve its purposeâ⬠(Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p.6). When a computer system is chosen a list of functional specification must be put in writing to identify each function and how it will be performed. Systems are structured to allow the functions to be carried out. Some examples of structured systems include the nursing department. The nurse in charge will assign patients to the staff nurses with the purpose to provide care. The charge nurse will ensure that the team is functioning with the ability to provide the care the patient needs and deserves. Two different models can be used to visualize the structure of a system: hierarchical and web. In the hierarchical model, each computer is a part of the local area network (LAN) which in turn is part of a wide area network (WAN) that is connected to the mainframe computer system. The mainframe is the leader of the system or lead part. The web model functions much like that of a spider-web. It has the capability to pass information to many departments that may use it for different purposes. For example,à laboratory results may be sent to the pharmacy to calculate a medication dosage and patient vitals may be sent to another department for review and use. ââ¬Å"A system includes structural elements from both the web and hierarchical modelâ⬠(Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p.7). Everything living or nonliving are in a constant state of change. Six concepts are helpful in understanding the change process: 1)dynamic homeostasis, 2)entropy, 3)negentropy, 4) specialization, 5)reverberation, and 6)equifinality. Dynamic homeostasis consists of maintaining an equal balance within the system. At times, increased stress can throw off the balance and cause challenges to the organization. A health care informatics specialistââ¬â¢s job is to decrease the stress and restore the balance within the organization. Entropy can be best described as the tendency of the system to break down into parts. This can be the loss of some data when transmitted from one department to another. All systems, living or nonliving, reach a point where they are no longer repairable. When this point is reached, a system must be replaced. Negentropy is the opposite of entropy and is best described as the systemââ¬â¢s ability to multiply and become more complex. As the size of the health car e industry grows, so do the health care information systems. Information technology. ââ¬Å"Information technology has the potential to greatly streamline healthcare and greatly reduce the chance of human error. However, there is a growing literature indicating that if systems are not designed adequately they may actually increase the possibility of error in the complex interaction between clinician and machine in healthcareâ⬠(Borycki, E., Kushniruk, A., Brender, J., 2010, p. 714). The term information has more than one meaning and the term information theory refers to multiple theories. The two common theoretical theories of information theories are: Shannon and Weaverââ¬â¢s information-communication model and Blumââ¬â¢s model (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p. 10). The information theory was presented as a formal theory in 1948 with a publication by Claude Shannon titled ââ¬Å"A Mathematical Theory of Communicationâ⬠. In this theory, the sender is the originator of the message and then the encoder converts the message into a code. A code can be a number, symbol, letters, or words. The decoder then converts the message to a format that can be recognized by the receiver. Shannon was a telephone engineer and explained this theory in a way that the decoder was theà telephone converting sound waves into a message the receiver could understand. ââ¬Å"Warren Weaver, from the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, provided the interpretation for understanding the semantic meaning of a messageâ⬠(Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p. 12). He used Shannonââ¬â¢s works to explain the interpretational aspects of communication as each individual perceives things different from the next. Different types of circumstances may occur causing a message to be interpreted wrong. For example, if a physician is using medical terminology that the patient cannot understand there is definitely a communication problem. If the patient cannot hear what is being said because the ear is not transmitting sound, then there is a different type of communication problem. The message must convey meaning and produce the intended result. Bruce L. Blum defined three types of health care computing applications called Blumââ¬â¢s Model. He grouped these applications in data, information, or knowledge. Data are those things such as height, weight, age, and name. Information is defined as data that has been processed. Knowledge is the relationship between data and information. Using these concepts, it is possible to identify different levels of computing and automated systems. Data, Information, and Knowledge (DIK) model Healthcare informatics can be explained using a model consisting of three parts: data, information, and knowledge (Georgiou, 2002). The three parts are demonstrated using a hierarchy pyramid. Data is the platform in the model, representing the foundation. Data is represented as facts and observations, but without supporting context, the data is irrelevant. Until the information is validated or manipulated the data is not significant, once it is manipulated, the data can provide value to the user. Information is the product of data once the data has been manipulated. The result of data and information is evidence-based knowledge. Evidence based knowledge can be used to support evidence based medicine. Some individuals feel that too much focus has been put on data, limiting the ability to practice medicine as a science. Instead, the use of data suggests that medicine is being practiced based on statistics instead of science. Yet, the same critics will use the same hierarchy of data, information and knowledge to treat a patient that develops a fever after hip surgery. The fever alone does not provide significant information but combined with information of aà recent surgery, a physician will test further for signs of infection. The end result is the knowledge of why the patient is feverish. Viewing informatics in the form of the decision-information-knowledge (DIK) model allows individuals to see the process as a whole. The data must be accurately representing what is occurring or the information will not be accurate. The statement, ââ¬Å"dirty in, dirty out,â⬠can be applied to the platform of the model. It is essential that clean data be entered into the system, allowing clean data and information to be produced. The product, knowledge, can then be substantiated through the evidence produced. Just as evidence is used to make clinical decisions, the DIK model is used, in conjunction with the scie ntific information, to build evidence based medicine. Health informatics involves spreading and distributing information as just one piece of the process of producing knowledge which is multifaceted (Georgiou, 2002). The role of expert system in nursing care and medicine Nurses and other health care professionals make decisions on a daily basis that affect patientsââ¬â¢ care and treatment. Nurses and health care professionals are not expert in all areas of nursing care and medicine. Health care workers specialized in certain area or field of medicine or nursing are not always readily available to everyone. Expert systems have been developed to assist medical and health care providers with decisions about care and treatment of patient. An expert system is a knowledge-based computer program designed to ââ¬Å"enhance the human ability to analyze, problem solve, treat, diagnose, and estimate prognosis of health-related conditionsâ⬠(Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p. 114). ââ¬Å"Nursing expert systems can improve the overall quality of care when designed for the appropriate end-user group and based on a knowledge base reflecting nursing expertiseâ⬠(Courtney, Alexander, and Demiris, 2008, P. 697). Examples of expert systems include MYCIN, a system that advise physicians about antimicrobial selection for patients with meningitis or bacteremia and INTERNIST-1, a system that assist with diagnosing complex problems in general internal medicine (Shortliffe, 1986). Health care workers may not always have the knowledge base to diagnose and treat every condition or situation encountered. Expert systems are used to close the gap in knowledge providing effective, efficient, andà accurate care. The concept of expert system is driven by the desire to improve patient care, reduce cost, and disseminate expert knowledge. Expert systems are used just as x-rays and lab values are obtained to improve the human understanding of a patientââ¬â¢s condition. The human memory has limitations. Expert systems can be the answer to eliminating a large number of preventable medical mistakes. This system can alert health care workers about drug interactions and allergies, and provide preferable form o f treatment. Expert systems can assist in diagnostic suggestions, testing prompts, therapeutic protocols, and practice guidelines. The utilization of expert systems has an impact on the quality of care, economy, and medical education of staff. Expert systems, when used effectively can improve patient outcomes and decrease health care costs. Fewer mistakes lead to lower financial expenditures and increased profits. Improved quality of care result in improved patient satisfaction that leads to increased reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. Expert systems can also decrease the variation in medical practice emphasizing standardized and evidence-based practice of care. Along with expert systems, decision aids and decision support systems are used to improve patient care. The use of decision aids and decision support systems Clinical decision aids help to identify solutions to clinical situations. Decision aids can be either paper-form or electronic. The electronic decision aids can be accessed via recorded media or the Internet. Decision aids are utilized to facilitate shared decisions between the patient and interdisciplinary team taking care of them. They help the patient to think about the multiple decisions they must make in the course of their treatment regimen. An example is the Ottawa Patient Decision Aid. This decision aid helps to determine whether or not patients should seek antibiotics for bronchitis. Another example is a decision aid about whether or not someone should place his or her family in a long-term care facility for Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). A decision support system (DSS) is an interactive, flexible, and adaptable computer-based information system (CBIS), which was made to support decision-making as it relates to the solution of an individual problem. ââ¬Å"A clinical decision support system (CDSS) is an automated decision support system (DSS) thatà mimics human decision making and can facilitate the clinical diagnostic process, promote the use of best practices, assist with the development and adherence of guidelines, facilitate processes for improvement of care, and prevent errorsâ⬠(Englebardt and Nelson, 2002, p. 116). Decision support systems utilize data and provide easy user interface that permit for the decision makerââ¬â¢s own insights. Four components of decision support systems are user interface, model library, model manager, and report writer. User interface makes communication between the executive and decision support system. Model library includes statistical, graphical, financial, and ââ¬Å"what ifâ⬠models. Model manager accesses available models. Report Writer generates written output (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). Four types of CDSS used in patient care decision-making are systems that use alerts to respond to clinical data, systems respond to decisions to alter care by critiquing decisions, systems suggest interventions at the request of care providers, and systems conduct retrospective quality assurance reviews. Examples of nursing-specific decision support systems are nursing diagnosis systems such as the Computer Aided Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention (CANDI) system, care planning systems such as the Urological Nursing Information System, symptom management systems such as the Cancer Pain Decision Support system, and nursing education systems such as the Creighton Online Multiple Modular Expert System (Courtney, Alexander, and Demiris, 2008). The uses of technology for patient and client management As Information Technology continues to have more presence in health care, patients, physicians, and staff are benefiting from on-demand access to information anyplace, anytime it is needed. Advances in technology provide healthcare organizations the ability to improve the quality of patient care. An ultimate goal of using technology is to improve the quality of care patients receive (Become a Meaningful User of Health IT, 2010). Technology can be found patient homes, clinics, extended care facilities, and hospitals, to name just a few. As the number of chronic diseases continues to increase technologies like telemedicine and video-conferencing can improve the quality of life of patients with chronic conditions, and reduce costs caused by these illnesses (Finkelstein Friedman, 2000). Improving quality, access, and client management is done by enhancing theà exchange of information between providers, institutions, and payers, allowing patients to receive uninterrupted continuity of care. For the people living in rural areas, the restrictions placed on services and specialists can be improved using technology (Smith, Bensink, Armfield, Stillman, Caffery, 2005). Telecommunications in the healthcare environment can provide patients and providers an opportunity to meet and even exceed expectations clients and the community have. A physician accessing a patientsââ¬â¢ record from his home can provide treatment and develop a plan of care without sitting in his clinic to access the patientsââ¬â¢ chart. Caregivers are no longer at the mercy of ongoing education provided at a variety of locations and cost. Learning management systems available via the Internet allow staff to review material and participate in competency testing. Tools are available through the advances in technology, which allow training by developing simulations of patients used for assessment training in virtual environments, assessing cognitive skills of providers (McGowan, 2008). As technologies in healthcare continue to improve, caregivers and patients will continue to experience changes in many areas.à Communication, teaching, and documenting will be affected, which change the way clinicians provide care and the way clients will receive it. Analysis of the effect of technology on health care and health status Prior to computers and digital equipment seen in todayââ¬â¢s healthcare facilities, most of what was done for patients was done manually. Manual processes could be time consuming and the opportunity for human error, which could affect the quality of care a patient received, was real. In a recent report from the Institute of medical care, it was stated that humans are inherently imperfect, and error is frequent in medical car (Patton, 2001). Technologies affecting patient care and a personââ¬â¢s health status include improvements to imaging systems, documentation solutions, and scheduling systems. Modern medicine relies on technological systems coming together: the operating room, clinical laboratory, radiology department, and radiation oncology facility each incorporate interrelated networks of technologies (Patton, 2001). Surgeries that once required large incisions can be done through microscopic incisions resulting in shorter hospital stays. Early diagnosis and improved treatment plans have been inevitably affected by technology. Although technology allows healthcare to improve access to patient information allowing easier access that is current and up-to-date there are also disadvantages to this kind of access. Consumers and caregivers have large volumes of information, which can be accessed, not all of the information accessed will be understood or accurate. Society must be aware that not all sites will be able to monitor and ensure information being accessed is credible; it is inevitable some of the information provided and retrieved will be inaccurate. Worse yet information which are by law confidential, may also be accessed without the consent of the patient. In addition to the ability to monitor healthcare information, technology may also make it challenging for physicians to practice under complete autonomy. With the increase in the complexity of technology, physicians must agree on how components relate to one another, also known as standards (Patton, 2001). As a result, some physicians can be seen resisting the adoption of new processes, but with ongoing development of user-friendly systems, resistance can be overcome. References Become a Meaningful User of Health IT. (2010). HHN: Hospitals Health Networks, 84(12), 47. Borycki, E., Kushniruk, A., Brender, J. (2010). Theories, models and frameworks for diagnosing technology-induced error. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 160(Pt 1), 714-718. Finkelstein, J. J., Friedman, R. H. (2000). Potential Role of Telecommunication Technologies in the Management of Chronic Health Conditions. Disease Management Health Outcomes, 8(2), 57-63. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Courtney, K. L., Alexander, G. L., Demiris, G. (2008). Information technology from novice to expert: implementation implications. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(6), 692-699. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2007.00829.x Englebardt, S. P. Nelson, R. (2002).Health care informatics. An interdisciplinary approach. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Georgiou, A. (2002). Data information and knowledge: the health informatics model and its role in evidence-based medicine. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 8(2), 127-130. McGowan, J. J. (2008). The Pervasiveness of Telemedicine: Adoption With or Without a Research Base. JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(4), 505-507. doi:10.1007/s11606-008-0534-z Patton, G. (2001). The two-edged sword: how technology shapes medical practice. Physician Executive, 27(2), 42-49. Shortliffe, E. H. (1986). Medical Expert Systems- Knowledge Tool for Physicians. Retrieved from Smith, A., Bensink, M., Armfield, N., Stillman, J., Caffery, L. (2005, October-December). Telemedicine and rural health care applications. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 51(4), 286.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Physics of Basketball Essay examples -- Athletics Sports Essays
The Physics of Basketball The NBA playoffs are making the headlines all over. Every news channel, sports channel, and newspaper has a story about the big games. Everyone is making bets as to who will be the big champions. Will it be the defending champions, Los Angeles Lakers, or will it possibly be one of the underdogs. This is the most intensive time of year for basketball fans as they watch the teams battle out the game. Up and down the court, the turnovers, rebounds, fast breaks, and most of all the baskets make the games exciting. But have you ever wondered how these things happen? What enables the basketball to bounce, how does Kobe Bryant fly through the air, and why does the ball rotate backwards as it leaves a shooterââ¬â¢s hand and approaches the basket? These are all interesting questions and believe it or not they can all be answered with a discussion on physics. Whenever you watch a basketball game you are watching the ââ¬Å"application of physics. It is very much at work in the game of basketballâ⬠(Hawkins). One of the key pieces of equipment in the game is the basketball itself. The ability of the ball to bounce is entirely explained by physics. The law of conservation of energy says that the total energy of an isolated system does not change (Kirkpatrick, 131). When the ball comes in contact with the floor an elastic collision occurs in which the kinetic energy of the system is conserved. Two things determine the elasticity: the air pressure in the ball and the surface it is colliding with. The more pressure in the ball, the better the bounce and the greater elasticity. The energy will be stored in the compressed air inside the ball creating a greater bounce. ââ¬Å"Air stores and returns energy more efficiently than ... ... air, just remember that it takes the same amount of time for him to reach the basket as it does for him to fall. You may also want to notice how the ball spins as well as how it bounces. As you are watching the playoffs this year keep in mind that the application of physics is very much at work in the game of basketball. Bibliography Hawkins, Bethany. Physics of Basketball. ââ¬Å"Intro to Basketball and Physics.â⬠ 25 March 2003. Kirkpatrick, Larry D., Wheeler, Gerald F. Physics A World View. Fourth edition, Harcourt College Publishers. Orlando, Florida. 2001. Willis, Bill. The Physics of Basketball. 13 March 2003. Brancazio, Peter J. Physics of Sports. ââ¬Å"Physics of Basketball. Department of Physics. Brooklyn, New York. 1981.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparing Cousin Kate and The Seduction Essay -- Christina Rossetti Ei
Comparing Cousin Kate and The Seduction In this coursework I will be comparing the two poems ââ¬ËCousin Kateââ¬â¢ by Christina Rossetti and ââ¬ËThe Seductionââ¬â¢ by Eileen McAuley. The two poems have many similarities but there are also some differences between them. To begin I will give an introduction to both the poems. Cousin Kate is about a cottage maiden that is tricked into having an affair with a rich Lord. She is then betrayed by the Lord who decides to dump her. He then marries her Cousin Kate who is much more beautiful than her and who has not yet lost her virginity. The Lord completely forgets about the maid after abandoning her and leaves her all alone. The maiden later realises that she is pregnant with a baby boy who is the son of the lord. The poem ends with the cottage maiden being an outcast because she has got pregnant before getting married but also with her feeling triumphant because here son will one day be the heir to the Lordââ¬â¢s lands. The Seduction is about a 16 year old girl who has a one night stand with a boy whom she meets at a party. The boy is into bad habits like drinking and taking drugs. He offers the girls some drinks and once she is very drunk he takes her to the docks near a river where he sleeps with her. After that night the girl never sees the boy again and realises 3 months later that she is pregnant. Her life is completely destroyed by her pregnancy. She has no more friends and nobody will ever speak to her again. She feels very bitter as to how her life has been ruined due to one mistake and how she has become an outcast. She ends the poem extremely disillusioned with life and how it has treated her. There are many differences between the two poems. The two poems took ... ...drinks and fallen into the boys trap. I prefer the poem Cousin Kate because in this poem the maiden has some hope for her future in the end because her son will be the heir to the lordââ¬â¢s estates. She has something to look forward too. She can also feel triumphant because her Cousin Kate will not have nay children. The ending of the seduction though is much bleaker with the girl having no hope for her future and even feeling like committing suicide. I think the attitude to teenage pregnancy was almost the same in both these poems even though they were set in different times. Even today the attitude to teenage pregnancy is very bad and girls who get pregnant in their teen years are treated as outcasts by society which is very wrong. Even if a girl does get pregnant society has to accept the fact that she has made a mistake and give her another chance.
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