Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Movies 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Movies 2010 - Essay Example Some influences have arisen from the movie such as the need for technological advancement, development of computers, and the need to explore the unknown world. The characters in the film have also helped pass a given message thereby persuading the audience.The actions in the film greatly helped in telling the story and passing the intended idea and themes to the audience. The use of music and soundtracks was another approach that was used to pass the intended message to the audience. Different songs about development explained the need for change and others were adequate and representative of violence. These played a huge role in making the film entertaining and easy to understand.  Some influences have arisen from the movie such as the need for technological advancement, development of computers, and the need to explore the unknown world. The characters in the film have also helped pass a given message thereby persuading the audience.The actions in the film greatly helped in telli ng the story and passing the intended idea and themes to the audience. The use of music and soundtracks was another approach that was used to pass the intended message to the audience. Different songs about development explained the need for change and others were adequate and representative of violence. These played a huge role in making the film entertaining and easy to understand.   In this second mission, the agenda was to set foot in an attempt of revealing what could have happened to Discovery, and why the craft did not return. The film begins with a flashback on what happened to the computer Hal 900 hence killing four of the astronauts aboard the craft. The fifth astronaut by the name Bowman David is shown to have lost to a large monolith planet, an alien body orbiting around the earth. So as to accomplish this new mission, the Superpowers of the world, the Russians, and Americans join hands and be in the position of understanding the fate of the first craft, Discovery. It is during the mission when the scientists from both countries discovered that the fault of the Discovery was due to an order was given to the computer so that it can conceal vital information to the crew.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Technology and Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Technology and Decision Making Essay The quality of patient care, communication between health care staff, and the safety of patients has greatly improved since the onset of technology. Through the improvement of information technology, the ability to collect data and manage the decisions based on the data collected has enhanced in the clinical setting as well as in the business portion. Health care informatics incorporates theories from informational science, computer science, and cognitive science (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). This information helps to gather and process it in order to make an informed decision. Important information could be missed if the data is ignored. Some of the most recent technology which includes the internet and cell phones has made it possible to access information quickly in order to make the best decision for the patient in order to provide good quality care. Technology changes every day and it is important to keep up with these changes that will help support clinical decisions made by the caregivers. This paper on informatics will show the systems and information theories, the DIK model, and the role of the expert system in nursing care and medicine. System and information theories System. â€Å"A system is a set of related interacting parts enclosed in a boundary† (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p.5). There are many types of systems which include but are not limited to: computer systems, school systems, health care systems, and people. Systems can be living or nonliving, open or closed. Closed systems do not act with the environment whereas open system have the ability to act with the environment. Open systems can be used to understand technology and those individuals associated with its use. This type of system takes input from the environment, processes it, and then returns it back to the environment as output, which serves as feedback. This theory can better help the individual understand the way people work with systems in the health care industry and allow for a visualization of the whole picture. A common term using in computer science is GIGO, â€Å"garbage in, garbage out†. This applies in the sense that a system is only as good as its user. If the user is inputting garbage, or poor quality data, the computer is likely to output the same. A system requires an accurate source in order for accurate material to be produced as a result. Open systems have three types of characteristics which include: purpose, functions, and structure (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). The purpose is the reason for the existence of the system or the program and is most often stated in the organization’s mission statement. This is true for health care organizations, churches, and schools. For example, the mission statement of the local public health department to promote health, prevent illness, and control communicable disease by providing quality services, health education, and environmental services for the community. Computer systems are often classified by their purpose and may have more than one purpose. By selecting a purpose that all individuals agree upon within the organization, a system can be chosen. It is important to take the time to identify the purpose with all those who will be using the system. Functions identify the methods in which the system will achieve its purpose. â€Å"Functions are activities that a system carries out to achieve its purpose† (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p.6). When a computer system is chosen a list of functional specification must be put in writing to identify each function and how it will be performed. Systems are structured to allow the functions to be carried out. Some examples of structured systems include the nursing department. The nurse in charge will assign patients to the staff nurses with the purpose to provide care. The charge nurse will ensure that the team is functioning with the ability to provide the care the patient needs and deserves. Two different models can be used to visualize the structure of a system: hierarchical and web. In the hierarchical model, each computer is a part of the local area network (LAN) which in turn is part of a wide area network (WAN) that is connected to the mainframe computer system. The mainframe is the leader of the system or lead part. The web model functions much like that of a spider-web. It has the capability to pass information to many departments that may use it for different purposes. For example,  laboratory results may be sent to the pharmacy to calculate a medication dosage and patient vitals may be sent to another department for review and use. â€Å"A system includes structural elements from both the web and hierarchical model† (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p.7). Everything living or nonliving are in a constant state of change. Six concepts are helpful in understanding the change process: 1)dynamic homeostasis, 2)entropy, 3)negentropy, 4) specialization, 5)reverberation, and 6)equifinality. Dynamic homeostasis consists of maintaining an equal balance within the system. At times, increased stress can throw off the balance and cause challenges to the organization. A health care informatics specialist’s job is to decrease the stress and restore the balance within the organization. Entropy can be best described as the tendency of the system to break down into parts. This can be the loss of some data when transmitted from one department to another. All systems, living or nonliving, reach a point where they are no longer repairable. When this point is reached, a system must be replaced. Negentropy is the opposite of entropy and is best described as the system’s ability to multiply and become more complex. As the size of the health car e industry grows, so do the health care information systems. Information technology. â€Å"Information technology has the potential to greatly streamline healthcare and greatly reduce the chance of human error. However, there is a growing literature indicating that if systems are not designed adequately they may actually increase the possibility of error in the complex interaction between clinician and machine in healthcare† (Borycki, E., Kushniruk, A., Brender, J., 2010, p. 714). The term information has more than one meaning and the term information theory refers to multiple theories. The two common theoretical theories of information theories are: Shannon and Weaver’s information-communication model and Blum’s model (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p. 10). The information theory was presented as a formal theory in 1948 with a publication by Claude Shannon titled â€Å"A Mathematical Theory of Communication†. In this theory, the sender is the originator of the message and then the encoder converts the message into a code. A code can be a number, symbol, letters, or words. The decoder then converts the message to a format that can be recognized by the receiver. Shannon was a telephone engineer and explained this theory in a way that the decoder was the  telephone converting sound waves into a message the receiver could understand. â€Å"Warren Weaver, from the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, provided the interpretation for understanding the semantic meaning of a message† (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p. 12). He used Shannon’s works to explain the interpretational aspects of communication as each individual perceives things different from the next. Different types of circumstances may occur causing a message to be interpreted wrong. For example, if a physician is using medical terminology that the patient cannot understand there is definitely a communication problem. If the patient cannot hear what is being said because the ear is not transmitting sound, then there is a different type of communication problem. The message must convey meaning and produce the intended result. Bruce L. Blum defined three types of health care computing applications called Blum’s Model. He grouped these applications in data, information, or knowledge. Data are those things such as height, weight, age, and name. Information is defined as data that has been processed. Knowledge is the relationship between data and information. Using these concepts, it is possible to identify different levels of computing and automated systems. Data, Information, and Knowledge (DIK) model Healthcare informatics can be explained using a model consisting of three parts: data, information, and knowledge (Georgiou, 2002). The three parts are demonstrated using a hierarchy pyramid. Data is the platform in the model, representing the foundation. Data is represented as facts and observations, but without supporting context, the data is irrelevant. Until the information is validated or manipulated the data is not significant, once it is manipulated, the data can provide value to the user. Information is the product of data once the data has been manipulated. The result of data and information is evidence-based knowledge. Evidence based knowledge can be used to support evidence based medicine. Some individuals feel that too much focus has been put on data, limiting the ability to practice medicine as a science. Instead, the use of data suggests that medicine is being practiced based on statistics instead of science. Yet, the same critics will use the same hierarchy of data, information and knowledge to treat a patient that develops a fever after hip surgery. The fever alone does not provide significant information but combined with information of a  recent surgery, a physician will test further for signs of infection. The end result is the knowledge of why the patient is feverish. Viewing informatics in the form of the decision-information-knowledge (DIK) model allows individuals to see the process as a whole. The data must be accurately representing what is occurring or the information will not be accurate. The statement, â€Å"dirty in, dirty out,† can be applied to the platform of the model. It is essential that clean data be entered into the system, allowing clean data and information to be produced. The product, knowledge, can then be substantiated through the evidence produced. Just as evidence is used to make clinical decisions, the DIK model is used, in conjunction with the scie ntific information, to build evidence based medicine. Health informatics involves spreading and distributing information as just one piece of the process of producing knowledge which is multifaceted (Georgiou, 2002). The role of expert system in nursing care and medicine Nurses and other health care professionals make decisions on a daily basis that affect patients’ care and treatment. Nurses and health care professionals are not expert in all areas of nursing care and medicine. Health care workers specialized in certain area or field of medicine or nursing are not always readily available to everyone. Expert systems have been developed to assist medical and health care providers with decisions about care and treatment of patient. An expert system is a knowledge-based computer program designed to â€Å"enhance the human ability to analyze, problem solve, treat, diagnose, and estimate prognosis of health-related conditions† (Englebardt Nelson, 2002, p. 114). â€Å"Nursing expert systems can improve the overall quality of care when designed for the appropriate end-user group and based on a knowledge base reflecting nursing expertise† (Courtney, Alexander, and Demiris, 2008, P. 697). Examples of expert systems include MYCIN, a system that advise physicians about antimicrobial selection for patients with meningitis or bacteremia and INTERNIST-1, a system that assist with diagnosing complex problems in general internal medicine (Shortliffe, 1986). Health care workers may not always have the knowledge base to diagnose and treat every condition or situation encountered. Expert systems are used to close the gap in knowledge providing effective, efficient, and  accurate care. The concept of expert system is driven by the desire to improve patient care, reduce cost, and disseminate expert knowledge. Expert systems are used just as x-rays and lab values are obtained to improve the human understanding of a patient’s condition. The human memory has limitations. Expert systems can be the answer to eliminating a large number of preventable medical mistakes. This system can alert health care workers about drug interactions and allergies, and provide preferable form o f treatment. Expert systems can assist in diagnostic suggestions, testing prompts, therapeutic protocols, and practice guidelines. The utilization of expert systems has an impact on the quality of care, economy, and medical education of staff. Expert systems, when used effectively can improve patient outcomes and decrease health care costs. Fewer mistakes lead to lower financial expenditures and increased profits. Improved quality of care result in improved patient satisfaction that leads to increased reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. Expert systems can also decrease the variation in medical practice emphasizing standardized and evidence-based practice of care. Along with expert systems, decision aids and decision support systems are used to improve patient care. The use of decision aids and decision support systems Clinical decision aids help to identify solutions to clinical situations. Decision aids can be either paper-form or electronic. The electronic decision aids can be accessed via recorded media or the Internet. Decision aids are utilized to facilitate shared decisions between the patient and interdisciplinary team taking care of them. They help the patient to think about the multiple decisions they must make in the course of their treatment regimen. An example is the Ottawa Patient Decision Aid. This decision aid helps to determine whether or not patients should seek antibiotics for bronchitis. Another example is a decision aid about whether or not someone should place his or her family in a long-term care facility for Alzheimer’s disease (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). A decision support system (DSS) is an interactive, flexible, and adaptable computer-based information system (CBIS), which was made to support decision-making as it relates to the solution of an individual problem. â€Å"A clinical decision support system (CDSS) is an automated decision support system (DSS) that  mimics human decision making and can facilitate the clinical diagnostic process, promote the use of best practices, assist with the development and adherence of guidelines, facilitate processes for improvement of care, and prevent errors† (Englebardt and Nelson, 2002, p. 116). Decision support systems utilize data and provide easy user interface that permit for the decision maker’s own insights. Four components of decision support systems are user interface, model library, model manager, and report writer. User interface makes communication between the executive and decision support system. Model library includes statistical, graphical, financial, and â€Å"what if† models. Model manager accesses available models. Report Writer generates written output (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). Four types of CDSS used in patient care decision-making are systems that use alerts to respond to clinical data, systems respond to decisions to alter care by critiquing decisions, systems suggest interventions at the request of care providers, and systems conduct retrospective quality assurance reviews. Examples of nursing-specific decision support systems are nursing diagnosis systems such as the Computer Aided Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention (CANDI) system, care planning systems such as the Urological Nursing Information System, symptom management systems such as the Cancer Pain Decision Support system, and nursing education systems such as the Creighton Online Multiple Modular Expert System (Courtney, Alexander, and Demiris, 2008). The uses of technology for patient and client management As Information Technology continues to have more presence in health care, patients, physicians, and staff are benefiting from on-demand access to information anyplace, anytime it is needed. Advances in technology provide healthcare organizations the ability to improve the quality of patient care. An ultimate goal of using technology is to improve the quality of care patients receive (Become a Meaningful User of Health IT, 2010). Technology can be found patient homes, clinics, extended care facilities, and hospitals, to name just a few. As the number of chronic diseases continues to increase technologies like telemedicine and video-conferencing can improve the quality of life of patients with chronic conditions, and reduce costs caused by these illnesses (Finkelstein Friedman, 2000). Improving quality, access, and client management is done by enhancing the  exchange of information between providers, institutions, and payers, allowing patients to receive uninterrupted continuity of care. For the people living in rural areas, the restrictions placed on services and specialists can be improved using technology (Smith, Bensink, Armfield, Stillman, Caffery, 2005). Telecommunications in the healthcare environment can provide patients and providers an opportunity to meet and even exceed expectations clients and the community have. A physician accessing a patients’ record from his home can provide treatment and develop a plan of care without sitting in his clinic to access the patients’ chart. Caregivers are no longer at the mercy of ongoing education provided at a variety of locations and cost. Learning management systems available via the Internet allow staff to review material and participate in competency testing. Tools are available through the advances in technology, which allow training by developing simulations of patients used for assessment training in virtual environments, assessing cognitive skills of providers (McGowan, 2008). As technologies in healthcare continue to improve, caregivers and patients will continue to experience changes in many areas.  Communication, teaching, and documenting will be affected, which change the way clinicians provide care and the way clients will receive it. Analysis of the effect of technology on health care and health status Prior to computers and digital equipment seen in today’s healthcare facilities, most of what was done for patients was done manually. Manual processes could be time consuming and the opportunity for human error, which could affect the quality of care a patient received, was real. In a recent report from the Institute of medical care, it was stated that humans are inherently imperfect, and error is frequent in medical car (Patton, 2001). Technologies affecting patient care and a person’s health status include improvements to imaging systems, documentation solutions, and scheduling systems. Modern medicine relies on technological systems coming together: the operating room, clinical laboratory, radiology department, and radiation oncology facility each incorporate interrelated networks of technologies (Patton, 2001). Surgeries that once required large incisions can be done through microscopic incisions resulting in shorter hospital stays. Early diagnosis and improved treatment plans have been inevitably affected by technology. Although technology allows healthcare to improve access to patient information allowing easier access that is current and up-to-date there are also disadvantages to this kind of access. Consumers and caregivers have large volumes of information, which can be accessed, not all of the information accessed will be understood or accurate. Society must be aware that not all sites will be able to monitor and ensure information being accessed is credible; it is inevitable some of the information provided and retrieved will be inaccurate. Worse yet information which are by law confidential, may also be accessed without the consent of the patient. In addition to the ability to monitor healthcare information, technology may also make it challenging for physicians to practice under complete autonomy. With the increase in the complexity of technology, physicians must agree on how components relate to one another, also known as standards (Patton, 2001). As a result, some physicians can be seen resisting the adoption of new processes, but with ongoing development of user-friendly systems, resistance can be overcome. References Become a Meaningful User of Health IT. (2010). HHN: Hospitals Health Networks, 84(12), 47. Borycki, E., Kushniruk, A., Brender, J. (2010). Theories, models and frameworks for diagnosing technology-induced error. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 160(Pt 1), 714-718. Finkelstein, J. J., Friedman, R. H. (2000). Potential Role of Telecommunication Technologies in the Management of Chronic Health Conditions. Disease Management Health Outcomes, 8(2), 57-63. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Courtney, K. L., Alexander, G. L., Demiris, G. (2008). Information technology from novice to expert: implementation implications. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(6), 692-699. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2007.00829.x Englebardt, S. P. Nelson, R. (2002).Health care informatics. An interdisciplinary approach. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Georgiou, A. (2002). Data information and knowledge: the health informatics model and its role in evidence-based medicine. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 8(2), 127-130. McGowan, J. J. (2008). The Pervasiveness of Telemedicine: Adoption With or Without a Research Base. JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(4), 505-507. doi:10.1007/s11606-008-0534-z Patton, G. (2001). The two-edged sword: how technology shapes medical practice. Physician Executive, 27(2), 42-49. Shortliffe, E. H. (1986). Medical Expert Systems- Knowledge Tool for Physicians. Retrieved from Smith, A., Bensink, M., Armfield, N., Stillman, J., Caffery, L. (2005, October-December). Telemedicine and rural health care applications. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 51(4), 286.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Physics of Basketball Essay examples -- Athletics Sports Essays

The Physics of Basketball The NBA playoffs are making the headlines all over. Every news channel, sports channel, and newspaper has a story about the big games. Everyone is making bets as to who will be the big champions. Will it be the defending champions, Los Angeles Lakers, or will it possibly be one of the underdogs. This is the most intensive time of year for basketball fans as they watch the teams battle out the game. Up and down the court, the turnovers, rebounds, fast breaks, and most of all the baskets make the games exciting. But have you ever wondered how these things happen? What enables the basketball to bounce, how does Kobe Bryant fly through the air, and why does the ball rotate backwards as it leaves a shooter’s hand and approaches the basket? These are all interesting questions and believe it or not they can all be answered with a discussion on physics. Whenever you watch a basketball game you are watching the â€Å"application of physics. It is very much at work in the game of basketball† (Hawkins). One of the key pieces of equipment in the game is the basketball itself. The ability of the ball to bounce is entirely explained by physics. The law of conservation of energy says that the total energy of an isolated system does not change (Kirkpatrick, 131). When the ball comes in contact with the floor an elastic collision occurs in which the kinetic energy of the system is conserved. Two things determine the elasticity: the air pressure in the ball and the surface it is colliding with. The more pressure in the ball, the better the bounce and the greater elasticity. The energy will be stored in the compressed air inside the ball creating a greater bounce. â€Å"Air stores and returns energy more efficiently than ... ... air, just remember that it takes the same amount of time for him to reach the basket as it does for him to fall. You may also want to notice how the ball spins as well as how it bounces. As you are watching the playoffs this year keep in mind that the application of physics is very much at work in the game of basketball. Bibliography Hawkins, Bethany. Physics of Basketball. â€Å"Intro to Basketball and Physics.† 25 March 2003. Kirkpatrick, Larry D., Wheeler, Gerald F. Physics A World View. Fourth edition, Harcourt College Publishers. Orlando, Florida. 2001. Willis, Bill. The Physics of Basketball. 13 March 2003. Brancazio, Peter J. Physics of Sports. â€Å"Physics of Basketball. Department of Physics. Brooklyn, New York. 1981.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparing Cousin Kate and The Seduction Essay -- Christina Rossetti Ei

Comparing Cousin Kate and The Seduction In this coursework I will be comparing the two poems ‘Cousin Kate’ by Christina Rossetti and ‘The Seduction’ by Eileen McAuley. The two poems have many similarities but there are also some differences between them. To begin I will give an introduction to both the poems. Cousin Kate is about a cottage maiden that is tricked into having an affair with a rich Lord. She is then betrayed by the Lord who decides to dump her. He then marries her Cousin Kate who is much more beautiful than her and who has not yet lost her virginity. The Lord completely forgets about the maid after abandoning her and leaves her all alone. The maiden later realises that she is pregnant with a baby boy who is the son of the lord. The poem ends with the cottage maiden being an outcast because she has got pregnant before getting married but also with her feeling triumphant because here son will one day be the heir to the Lord’s lands. The Seduction is about a 16 year old girl who has a one night stand with a boy whom she meets at a party. The boy is into bad habits like drinking and taking drugs. He offers the girls some drinks and once she is very drunk he takes her to the docks near a river where he sleeps with her. After that night the girl never sees the boy again and realises 3 months later that she is pregnant. Her life is completely destroyed by her pregnancy. She has no more friends and nobody will ever speak to her again. She feels very bitter as to how her life has been ruined due to one mistake and how she has become an outcast. She ends the poem extremely disillusioned with life and how it has treated her. There are many differences between the two poems. The two poems took ... ...drinks and fallen into the boys trap. I prefer the poem Cousin Kate because in this poem the maiden has some hope for her future in the end because her son will be the heir to the lord’s estates. She has something to look forward too. She can also feel triumphant because her Cousin Kate will not have nay children. The ending of the seduction though is much bleaker with the girl having no hope for her future and even feeling like committing suicide. I think the attitude to teenage pregnancy was almost the same in both these poems even though they were set in different times. Even today the attitude to teenage pregnancy is very bad and girls who get pregnant in their teen years are treated as outcasts by society which is very wrong. Even if a girl does get pregnant society has to accept the fact that she has made a mistake and give her another chance.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Egypt vs. Fertile Crescent Essay

During the early dynastic period, the early River Civilizations had just come to be. Egypt and The Fertile Crescent were 2 of the civilizations. Different civilizations were developing different things as well as living two different ways of life. In social and intellectual ways, these two civilizations handled themselves in very similar as well as many different ways to function the way they did and remain stable while they could. Egypt and the Fertile Crescent shared certain things within the social and political part of their civilizations. They both needed a lot of work to be done. Anywhere from building pyramids, to parts of a city, someone had to do it, but who? To solve this dilemma, the Fertile Crescent used slaves, and Egypt had laborers. Having slaves or laborers made is accomplishable for job positions to be filled within a city, or made it easier and quicker to finish projects ordered by the Pharaoh. In an intellectual view, both developed a form of writing. The Fertile Crescent invented the cuneiform, which is also the first form of writing, to pass down history. As well as Egypt, they had hieroglyphics, which served the same purpose, In other words, they needed a way to keep records from generation to generation. To do this, they used what they had to develop a form of writing to accomplish this. As for differences between to two civilizations, they were very many social and political ones. The Fertile Crescent had a small amount of social classes. They had a priest, merchants, and slaves. Those are the basic classes. The significance of having a less amount of classes is simplicity. Also, because the Monarchy already holds most of the power, it has no need for someone else to have any. Egypt had a lot more compared to them. Pharaohs, Land owners, Army commander, merchants, Farmers, and Laborers. While having more social classes than The Fertile Crescent, it might seem to make it harder on them for they have more going on, and more people doing more things, but it made it easier on the Pharaoh. Yes, he still had say so in what went on, but there were still different people in charge of different things. As for any intellectual differences, Egypt was able to develop a calendar. By doing this, they were able to tell when any floods were coming and it was no surprise. Not only did this calendar only help with flooding problems, but they could also mark any important date of when anything happened during their time. On the other hand, the Fertile Crescent was always hit by surprise by floods from the river. They never developed a calendar, so for them, they had no clue when a flood was coming and it became a panic when it did.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Two by Jim Cartwright Essay Example

Two by Jim Cartwright Essay Example Two by Jim Cartwright Paper Two by Jim Cartwright Paper Essay Topic: Literature In our devised piece this term we used the play â€Å" Two † written by Jim Cartwright as our stimulus. The play is set in a Northern ‘working’ town in a pub and all the action and events take place on one night. It’s about a bickering landlord and landlady and their eccentric customers whom they serve at the bar. It gives an insight into the different kinds of people present in a pub at different times and a very brief look into their lives. The play is made up of lots of vignettes each focusing in on different characters. The two key characters are the landlord and landlady however these two people play all of the characters and have to change between roles with minimum fuss. The play also has a hidden meaning, which we do not find out about until the end, which in this case then makes some of the arguing clear, as we can understand the reasons behind it all. There is an element of humour and laughter used to cover up a darker and sadder under current in the play. In this case it’s about the couples child dieing in a car accident at the young age of seven. We took some elements of ‘Two ’ and incorporated some of the themes, ideas and elements into our own devised pieces. Our play consisted of a lot of duologues and monologues just as ‘Two ’ had done and we also chose two pivotal characters. Instead of having a landlord and a landlady we had two shop assistants who spoke to all of the customers and kept the play upbeat and moving. ‘Two ’ had a specific location where all of the action took place so we decided to incorporate this and we had all of our action and plot line take place in the clothing part of a department store. We kept it quite everything quite simplistic as in Jim Cartwright’s play although we had a variety of lively, bubbly characters each of which was very different from each other. The other idea we took from ‘Two’ was to have a hidden story or event, which the audience didn’t find out about until the end. We put in about the manager having lost his sister and wanting to hold on to all of the memories and not let another child go which explains the children’s underwear and the managers nervousness when a lost child comes in. Our plot revolved around the two shop assistants who ran the store and interacted with all of the customers. We also had the manager and the manager’s wife as well as mimed and imagined people out in public, in the shop and on the bus. The only props we used were chairs, a table, two umbrellas, some notebooks and a mesh curtain, which we used in the changing room scene. We chose to keep it quite simple so the audience had to believe in what was going on and focus on the acting rather than the material props just as was done in ‘Two. ’ The hidden idea was that the manager seemed to have paedophilic tendencies but all of this was covered up as we made him into a really funny, friendly and all round â€Å"Mr nice guy† type character. He is very attached to his laptop and spends a lot of time away from his family and at work. The two shop assistants are lively and bubbly characters who discuss boys, clothes and underwear. They see all of the different shoppers come in and out. They start off in the morning unpacking underwear and putting it on display and having a bit of a joke with their boss about the different sizes. We also see a woman looking for a cat suit come in and have a bit of a discussion about the different colours and how she really likes them. The wife then comes in to speak to her husband and when he refused to come out for lunch with her she has a monologue about how she feels unloved. Each monologue ends with something about being trapped whether its in a job, relationship or time. At the end it all comes together and makes sense. We then move on to a woman coming in with her daughter and trying to fit her into a really small sized top. They end up talking about the daughter’s dad and how he was so controlling before she end up getting stuck in the top. The assistants leave to get some scissors but while they are gone the manager goes in and grabs the girl. There is a tabloid and then the girl goes into the centre of the stage and all of the other characters gather around her. They begin walking round in a circle pushing the girl onto the floor whilst saying â€Å" trapped† over and over again getting louder each time until everyone shouts â€Å" Trapped  Ã¢â‚¬  and puts a hand over the girls head. The position is held for about five seconds and then the play ends. In ‘Two’ we identified that there were feelings of abuse, hate, anger, guilt, memory and sadness. We tried to use these feelings in our own piece. We put the anger and hate into the daughter hating her dad and her mum hating her talking about it. The guilt and the memory went into the manager and his memories of his sister’s last breaths before she died and the abuse was particularly prominent at the end when the manager grabbed the girl. The themes of hidden memories being brought up again was obvious with finding the small children’s underwear marking the beginning of out of control feelings, which just escalate until the very end of the play. Having read ‘Two’ as a play I think it is very cleverly written and constructed. When you read the notes at the beginning of the script it describes it as being a play about the different characters that come into a pub one evening. Immediately you begin to think how that could possibly be interesting or made into a play so after reading it you realise how cunning Jim Cartwright is and how clever to make something so simple so interesting, effective and evocative. The contrast in characters keeps the audience interested in what’s going on and also provides something to think about. The way two characters can play so many roles is something I have never really seen before and is fascinating. Jim Cartwright has used mime very effectively so the audience’s experience of the play is a very different one to what they would get fm other for fictional plays. I thought the ideas for our devised piece were really good overall but we needed to develop the characters more and maybe make parts of it have more emphasis and a bit clearer, for example I think the managers monologue about his sister needed to be clearer and maybe the wife’s monologue should have emphasised her worries and his strange behaviour more. I think the end performance went quite well and the audience seemed to enjoy it. We all tried really hard not to laugh at any of it even when the audience laughed which we managed to do so we were all please with that. We did use lighting and I think that worked well because it highlighted important bits of the play and also whom the focus was on as well as the mood. So at the end when we were doing the last ‘trapped’ scene we had the lights down quite low to give it more effect and make it a bit eerie and scary. I think we used some of the key elements from ‘Two’ and incorporated them into our piece well and subtly and we had a good plot line with a surprise at the end.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Hedda Gabler

In Henrik Ibsen’s play Hedda Gabler, the main character, Hedda Tesman represents a manipulative and powerful young woman seeking to control the lives of those around her. Although Hedda lives in the Victorian era where the women are to live in the shadow of the men, she defines herself negatively. Hedda destroys the things which she cannot accept. The critic John Northam defends Hedda’s character when he states in Ibsen: A Critical Study, â€Å"Hedda is caught in the contradiction of being simultaneously a person whose deepest urges are towards a poetry of living- defined at least approximately by her recurrent use of key terms- but whose social position has educated her to accept [. . .] the restraints demanded by society. The basic conflict is between the self and society (180). Though Hedda lives in a society that suppresses restraints on the women, it gives her no right to be an unworthy, detestable, repulsive, despicable human being. In Act I, it demonstrates a pathological quality of Hedda’s personality early on. Hedda cruelly insults Aunt Julia by complaining that the servant left her bonnet lying in the chair, â€Å"Look there! She has left her old bonnet lying about on a chair† (9). Hedda is never satisfied with anything and she always feels a need to stir up some sort of commotion. By complaining about the bonnet left on the chair, Hedda tries to undermine Aunt Julia’s sense of worth. Again in Act I, Hedda shows more of her negative side when she demonstrates characteristics of manipulation and control. When Hedda and Thea are conversing in the parlor, Hedda insist that they use the familiar form of you when speaking to each other, â€Å"No, not at all! I can remember quite distinctly. So now we are going to renew our old friendship. There now! You must say du to me and call me Hedda† (15). As old schoolmates, Hedda and Thea were merely acquaintances. She wants to renew their friendship with pu... Free Essays on Hedda Gabler Free Essays on Hedda Gabler In Henrik Ibsen’s play Hedda Gabler, the main character, Hedda Tesman represents a manipulative and powerful young woman seeking to control the lives of those around her. Although Hedda lives in the Victorian era where the women are to live in the shadow of the men, she defines herself negatively. Hedda destroys the things which she cannot accept. The critic John Northam defends Hedda’s character when he states in Ibsen: A Critical Study, â€Å"Hedda is caught in the contradiction of being simultaneously a person whose deepest urges are towards a poetry of living- defined at least approximately by her recurrent use of key terms- but whose social position has educated her to accept [. . .] the restraints demanded by society. The basic conflict is between the self and society (180). Though Hedda lives in a society that suppresses restraints on the women, it gives her no right to be an unworthy, detestable, repulsive, despicable human being. In Act I, it demonstrates a pathological quality of Hedda’s personality early on. Hedda cruelly insults Aunt Julia by complaining that the servant left her bonnet lying in the chair, â€Å"Look there! She has left her old bonnet lying about on a chair† (9). Hedda is never satisfied with anything and she always feels a need to stir up some sort of commotion. By complaining about the bonnet left on the chair, Hedda tries to undermine Aunt Julia’s sense of worth. Again in Act I, Hedda shows more of her negative side when she demonstrates characteristics of manipulation and control. When Hedda and Thea are conversing in the parlor, Hedda insist that they use the familiar form of you when speaking to each other, â€Å"No, not at all! I can remember quite distinctly. So now we are going to renew our old friendship. There now! You must say du to me and call me Hedda† (15). As old schoolmates, Hedda and Thea were merely acquaintances. She wants to renew their friendship with pu... Free Essays on Hedda Gabler Henrik Ibsen wrote Hedda Gabler in 1890. It takes place in the Tesman’s house in Norway. The main characters are Hedda, the well-bred aristocratic daughter of the famous General Gabler, George Tesman, Hedda’s newlywed husband and an intelligent scholar, Juliana Tesman, George’s aunt who supports and raised him, Mrs. Thea Elvsted, a childhood friend of Hedda’s, Judge Brack, a worldly and cynical man who likes to meddle in people’s affairs, and Eilert Loevborg, Tesman’s biggest academic competitor and a former suitor of Heddas. The play starts off as Hedda and George are just getting back from their six-month honeymoon. George has gone through great lengths to purchase the house that he thinks Hedda so badly desires. He is not a rich man and Hedda is accustomed to living a wealthy lifestyle. Hedda does not love George, but he is ignorant to that fact. She has only married him because she thought he had more money than he really does. Hedda thinks it will be a marriage of convenience. She is bored with his dull personality and despises his family and the fact that she is tied there. Throughout the play it is hinted that Hedda is pregnant. She confides to Judge Brack that ‘she has made her bed and now she must lie in it.’ Hedda is deeply stirred by the return of her former suitor, Eilert Loevborg. He was once a drunk and a public outcast, but now is an aspiring writer and scholar. Eilert has a close relationship with Mrs. Elvsted. Together they have written a brilliant manuscript, which is portrayed as ‘their child’. Their relationship makes Hedda extremely jealous. One night all the men go out drinking and Eilert ends up losing the manuscript on his way home. He is so ashamed he cannot remember what happened to it that he lies to Mrs. Elvsted and tells her he destroyed it. George found the manuscript and brought it home with intentions to give it back to Eilert after he sobers up. In the meanti...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

55 House Idioms

55 House Idioms 55 House Idioms 55 House Idioms By Mark Nichol The integral nature and the ubiquity of houses in our culture has given rise to a number of idiomatic expressions that include the word house. This post lists such terms. 1. A house divided against itself cannot stand: A statement from a speech by Abraham Lincoln based on biblical scripture and alluding to the impending conflict between the North and the South over slavery 2. A house is not a home: A saying that differentiates a physical building from a dwelling identified with a family 3. A house of cards: a precarious situation, from the notion of an activity in which one or more people try to build a structure out of vertically placed playing cards without causing it to collapse 4. A plague on both your houses: A curse, based on a line from Romeo and Juliet, in which the speaker expresses disgust with both parties in a dispute 5. As safe as houses: In British English, a reference on the presumption that a house is secure, to satisfactory protection 6. Basket house: A music venue in which performers earn only money collected in a basket or other receptacle as donations 7. Big house: Slang for prison, or a reference to the main residence of an estate 8. Boardinghouse reach: An especially long reach across a table, alluding to the relaxed table manners of a boardinghouse, a lodging in which meals are provided 9. Bottom the house: A reference to thoroughly cleaning a place 10. Brick house: A sexually attractive woman, from the notion that she, on the analogy of a sturdy structure made of brick, is well built 11–12. Bring down the house/bring the house down: A reference to a performer being so entertaining that everyone in the venue in which the person is performing responds so enthusiastically that the performance is temporarily interrupted 13–15. Call house/house of ill fame/repute: Euphemisms for brothel 16. Clean house: A reference to thoroughly reforming an organization by replacing employees or members or changing policies or traditions 17. Crack house: Slang for a house from which crack cocaine is sold 18. Dream house: A house one considers ideal as a residence 19. Eat (one) out of house and home: Deplete all the food in a house 20–21. Fox guarding the henhouse/in the henhouse: A proverbial reference to the folly of allowing a person inimical to an organization to lead it or be involved in it 22. Full house: Said of an entertainment venue with the audience at capacity 23. Get (one’s) own house in order: An admonition to improve one’s own situation before criticizing another person for theirs 24. Get along like a house on fire: Become friends immediately upon meeting 25–26. Go around/round the houses: An expression, synonymous with â€Å"beating around the bush,† alluding to a person talking about trivial matters to avoid bringing up a sensitive topic 27. Halfway house: A residence for rehabilitating ex-convicts, drug addicts, or mental patients; by extension, a midpoint 28. Hash house: An inexpensive restaurant 29. Haunted house: A house thought to be inhabited by ghosts or spirits 30. House band: A musical ensemble hired to play regularly at a venue on its own, backing up visiting performers, or both 31. House music: A style of electronic dance music similar to disco but with few or no lyrics 32. House of correction: A euphemism for prison 33. House of many doors: Slang for prison 34. House poor: Able to afford housing costs but little else 35. House specialty: A menu item or other product that a business takes pride in offering 36. House wine: Any type of wine offered as a specialty of a restaurant or bar 37. Housebreak: Train a pet to use a special receptacle or go outside to urinate or defecate; by extension, make polite or submissive 38. Housewarming party: A celebration to commemorate moving into a new residence 39. In the house: Present (usually in the context of an entertainer being in a performing venue) 40. Keep house: Manage a household 41. Keep open house: Said of a residence in which visitors are always welcome 42. Lady of the house: A woman who manages a household 43. Like a house on fire: Quickly, from the notion that a burning house will swiftly become engulfed in flames 44. My house is your house: An expression of hospitality to make a guest feel welcome 45. On the house: Free (meaning that the house, or establishment, will on a special occasion pay for a product offered in the establishment) 46. Open house: An event in which visitors are welcome, either for a house party, a showing of a residence for sale, or an event in which members of the public are invited to visit an organization’s headquarters 47. Out of house and home: Evicted or otherwise deprived of shelter 48. Outhouse: An outdoor toilet 49. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones: A proverb that discourages hypocrisy; compare â€Å"put (one’s) own house in order† 50. Play house: Pretend to engage in activities associated with being part of a family (usually said of children role-playing domestic behaviors such as cooking and cleaning) 51. Put (one’s) house in order: Manage one’s affairs; contrast with â€Å"Put (one’s) own house in order† 52. Put (one’s) own house in order: An expression exhorting people to take care of their own affairs before criticizing how others handle theirs; compare â€Å"Those who own glass houses shouldn’t throw stones† and contrast with â€Å"Put (one’s) house in order† 53. Rock the house: Elicit an enthusiastic response from an audience 54. Shotgun house: Slang for a long, narrow house built with rooms in a straight line, from the notion that a shotgun shell could be fired through the front door and out the back door 55. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house: A reference to a dramatic performance that causes everyone in the audience in a performance venue to cry Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals20 Rules About Subject-Verb AgreementOne Scissor?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Choose one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Choose one - Essay Example There has been a lot of emphasis on empowerment of people, equality of rights, and eradication of racism from the society at all levels over the past few decades. This has made gay marriage one of the most debatable topics of the present age. â€Å"Fifty percent of Americans believe same-sex marriages should be recognized by law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages† (Newport). Anti-gay notions that have been an integral part of the conservative culture are being openly discussed and challenged now as these notions are being identified as racism and discrimination against the gay community. I personally believe that since religion has condemned gay marriage, and religion happens to be the fundamental source of knowledge of ethics for the mankind; gay marriage should remain illegal. Analysis of the Issue Proponents of the gay marriage say that it should be legalized because illegalization of gay marriage is a discrimination against the gay community. The Natio nal Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Executive Director, Rea Carey shared her views in these words, â€Å"Equal protection under the law is a foundational guarantee for all Americans, and denial of the right to marry flies in the face of this shared value† (Carey). ... Even some heterosexual people approve of gay marriages. While declaring that he approves of gay marriages in an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts, President Barack Obama said, â€Å"I hesitated on gay marriage in part because I thought civil unions would be sufficient [and that] for a lot of people, the word marriage was something that evokes very powerful traditions, religious beliefs and so forth† (Obama cited in â€Å"JUST IN†). Opponents of the gay marriage primarily base their argument on the teachings of religion. Homosexuality has not only been condemned but has been described as a transgression of the limits imposed by God upon mankind in most of the religions in general and the Abrahamic religions in particular. George (Carey) refers to the gay marriage as a threat to the bond between the state and the church. In addition to religion, opponents of the gay marriage consider it an unnatural act since gay couples cannot produce children in the biological w ay. They either have to adopt children or live with the children they have had through previous heterosexual marriages. Opponents of the gay marriage also highlight the negative implications of the gay marriage on the psychology of children living with the gay couples, as well as upon the society particularly which suffers from a negative rate of population growth. Conclusion Legalization of gay marriage is an ethical controversy since it involves the right of a certain community i.e. gay community and its implications on their own lives, on the lives of people related to them, and the society at large. In most countries of the world, women outnumber men in population. On one hand, if gay marriages are legalized,

Friday, October 18, 2019

ANALYSIS OF HEALTH NEEDS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ANALYSIS OF HEALTH NEEDS - Essay Example The Aging Network is an informal term used to describe the array of federal, state, and local government agencies established by the Older American’s Act (OAA) and the community based agencies that affiliate with them in serving older adults. The OAA contains titles of relevance to long term care. â€Å"Aging Network Services can provide direction and hope, even in the most difficult of circumstances† (Aging Network Services). â€Å"The Older Americans Act focuses on improving the lives of older people in areas of income, housing, health, employment, retirement and community services† (Older Americans Act). Due to the ever increasing number of elderly people, the focus has elaborated from community-based to long term treatment methodologies. Through the Older Americans Act, the Administration on Aging (AoA) was created. AoA is a sublet of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, which is governed by the Assistant Secretary for Aging. This can only be done if correct assessment of health care needs is there. The Administration on Aging (AoA) is connected with its nationwide network on aging composed of regional offices, to help coordinate and develop community-level systems of services that meet the unique needs of older persons and their caregivers. â€Å"[There is a] need for rethinking criteria for hospital discharge planning, more effective communication between service providers and patients, and community focus of attention on elders coming home from the hospital† (Jones, et al, 1989). Most supportive services fall under three broad categories: Access Services, which deals with transportation and outreach, In-home Services, that concerns homemaker services, and Community Services, which is connected to dealing with adult day care and legal assistance. â€Å"A disease-specific approach to geriatric preventive health care will not suffice; measures to enhance or maintain

Collaboration in social work practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Collaboration in social work practice - Essay Example As a reciprocal process it involves collaboration and trusting attitudes. A recent scandal at National Kidney Foundation (NKF) one of the biggest NPO in Singapore is shed light on the need for building trust and IOC. NKF is experiencing Public distrust and a low confidence rating in the Singapore Public. This has also adversely caused loss of public/donor trust in NPOs. Solutions to regaining trust lie in establishing interorganisational collaborations among partners. The public perceive IOC as less likely to misappropriate funds since management in joint programmes is more rigid than in programmes run by individual NPOs. It is also widely believed that IOC promotes openness. This research aims to establish the role of trust and interorganisational collaboration in regaining public trust. It utilises a qualitative case study methodology whereby two cases are analysed, NKF and Morning Star Community Services. IOCs play a big role in trust building in collaboration activities especially when partners have to rely on one anther to execute certain activities therefore resulting into synergy.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business Ethics - Case Study Example Additionally, it is one of the protocols of corporate principles and, therefore, failure to do so will lead to an unsound decision as it will be inconsistent with the principles. The second cause of action is to demand the disclosure of all reports and various programs whether they are just drafts or they are final for all the committee members to have a look at them. The advantage is that all the members who might not have had access to such information can have hence been aware of the information at hand. Conversely, the information that is supposed to be kept secret to the committee can be displayed hence violating the principle of confidentiality. In this scenario, I will not accept the offer of being bought lunch for the gratitude of all my effort from the senior account executive. The merit of taking such cause of action is because the acceptance if such will in some way act as a bribe and hence breaching the principle of objectivity. However, the decline of the offer will lead to the loss of my lunch that I was to receive. The alternative cause of action that I can take is the termination of the deal due to time lapse. It can be well-known that time is of the essence in such a deal, and any delay can lead to the termination of such a contract. The advantage of this action is that it will lead to limited wastage of time and enabling as to perform other important professional functions. Conversely, the action can lead to loss of promotion and lunch courtesy of gratitude for our efforts. The cause of action that I will take here is to take the respective milk from the supplier then check the serial number against that of the newspaper. If found to be the one listed in the newspaper, I will subject to contamination test. I will address the issue to the manager for necessary actions to be taken if found defective. The advantage of this action is to ascertain whether the allegations that are put in the newspaper are true or false.

Aristotle's Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aristotle's Theory - Essay Example e fact that Aristotle believes that the soul exists until there is a body, the philosopher recognizes activity of the mental processes and their involvement in physiological states of a person. Considering the relationship between body and soul, Aristotle points out an inextricable link between them. â€Å"Unlike Plato, he has no objection to so intimate a relation between the mental and the physical† (Caston 331). In fact, he expresses the conviction that their interaction can be regarded as monism. Recognizing the link between body and soul, Aristotle says that the soul is active, not passive. Unlike the supporters of epiphenomenalism, Aristotle argues that the physiological processes can be the result of certain psychological processes. There are two possibilities (Caston 330). Some physiological processes are the result of both physical and psychological conditions, while others can only be the result of certain mental changes. To sum up, there are no reasons to believe that Aristotle supports the standpoint of epiphenomenalism on the importance of psychological states in human activities. On the contrary, Aristotle emphasizes activity of the mental properties and their impact on various physiological states. Thus, Aristotle understands the unity of body and soul as an opportunity to influence each

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business Ethics - Case Study Example Additionally, it is one of the protocols of corporate principles and, therefore, failure to do so will lead to an unsound decision as it will be inconsistent with the principles. The second cause of action is to demand the disclosure of all reports and various programs whether they are just drafts or they are final for all the committee members to have a look at them. The advantage is that all the members who might not have had access to such information can have hence been aware of the information at hand. Conversely, the information that is supposed to be kept secret to the committee can be displayed hence violating the principle of confidentiality. In this scenario, I will not accept the offer of being bought lunch for the gratitude of all my effort from the senior account executive. The merit of taking such cause of action is because the acceptance if such will in some way act as a bribe and hence breaching the principle of objectivity. However, the decline of the offer will lead to the loss of my lunch that I was to receive. The alternative cause of action that I can take is the termination of the deal due to time lapse. It can be well-known that time is of the essence in such a deal, and any delay can lead to the termination of such a contract. The advantage of this action is that it will lead to limited wastage of time and enabling as to perform other important professional functions. Conversely, the action can lead to loss of promotion and lunch courtesy of gratitude for our efforts. The cause of action that I will take here is to take the respective milk from the supplier then check the serial number against that of the newspaper. If found to be the one listed in the newspaper, I will subject to contamination test. I will address the issue to the manager for necessary actions to be taken if found defective. The advantage of this action is to ascertain whether the allegations that are put in the newspaper are true or false.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Speech Course Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech Course Reflection Paper - Essay Example Thus, rational speech gains instant approval and favor irrespective of the cultural diversity present in the audience. Meticulous development, planning and analysis of speech/communication are necessary steps to gain attention and trust of the listeners. Truth cannot be told in a simple straight forward manner and in a flat tone. It requires careful analysis of situation and audience. Moreover, meticulous selection of words is required to deliver the ‘right message’ to the intended audience. Blunt truths can damage personal reputation and can hinder the process of understanding on the part of listener. They tend to obstruct the speech of speaker and listeners act according to prejudged criteria (pessimistic perception). Once, I took a stance in a challenging situation and I was perceived antagonist instead of a person who stood by truth. Through, persuasiveness, special occasion speaking and informative speaking lessons I learnt that establishing a proactive stance is necessary to deliver intended purpose of one’s speech. Furthermore, defensive, judgmental, skeptical and aggressive tone conveys a wrong impression even if the person is stating true facts. Moreover, slanted and biased questions intricate the possibility of rationality at all and it is highly significant to keep the questions clear and concise, so one can establish good impression and gains immediate listening attention. Controversial truths or facts before delivery need to be concealed or mixed with many aspects like appreciation, acknowledgement and open-ended hypothesis for the audience in a neutral and pleasant tone. Hence, it is extremely necessary to avoid trite sentiments through subtle use of language and to initially analyze the type of audience one intends to communicate with. Ethnical specific agendas cannot be understood aptly in a diverse cultural audience. They are often misunderstood and give a

Life in College Essay Example for Free

Life in College Essay College has changed my life in many ways. Even though I spent only six months in college, I feel it has helped me a lot with my education and social life. Students who enter college usually collide with many problems, and some may think it is just like high school. From my perspective, college life is a life of freedom because it gives a feeling of being an adult, and also at the same time helping out with necessary needs. Life in college meant a new life for me. When I entered my college for the first day, I looked around with a mixed feeling of perplexity, joy, and a little bit of fear. I was puzzled as I was not habituated to college life. After checking around and looking for my class, I saw other students in batches were moving up and down the corridors for their classes; professors were coming smilingly and exchanging greetings with the students in a friendly manner which helped me to calm down and gave me the confidence to move on without being too nervous. Social life in college is different from high school. Most people do not socialize that much because they are there to get their credits and leave. They just want to finish their courses as fast as they can for business purpose or other reasons (this happens mainly in community college. ) For this reason, college has created many club activities, study groups, library, and other open areas to meet friends or work together, which definitely gives the chance to socialize. Another important thing college has taught me is managing time. I have come to understand how time is precious and how it can improve our lifestyle in so many levels. Balancing time is really important to do well both in college and in other activities like, Jobs, clubs, and spending time with family. After spending some time in classes, I came to realize how fun and easy it can be if a student spends a little bit of his/her time in class activities. College is a wonderful place and one can make it happen by his/her will.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The role of Women in the Middle East

The role of Women in the Middle East There are over half a billion women in the Muslim World in Middle East. They are in Much of the world lack support of the fundamental functions of a human life. Their social Status is low and they receive lack respect by the men. Women in the Middle East also are less nourished than men, less healthy, less opportunity but more vulnerable to physical violence and sexual abuse. Women in Middle East are discriminated by men, religion or even law. They are much less likely than men to be literate or to have a professional or technical education. The only function of women in Middle East is producing children. But the situation has some improvement in nowadays. Some of the women in the Middle- East are standing up and try to fright for their rights. But actually, most of the women in the Middle-East, especially those who live in conservative countries, are still accept their status and the role that they play in the society. (Mahnaz Afkhami, 1996) Women need to play a proper role in the s ociety especially in the conservative society or countries. For example like in Saudi Arabia. The proper role means to be a good children, good wife and good women. In the Middle East societies, most of the people are welcome to have a boy rather than girl. There are several reasons make people prefer to have a boy. First of all, most of the middle-East countries still are the agriculture base community. Therefore, have a boy is more prefer than have a girl. It is because sons are valued for the muscle power they can provide in the fields. Also, in Middle- east there is absence of the adequate social security system. (Ramsay.m.Darik Elsa Marston, 1996) So that sons are supposed to take care their aging parents. But girls on the other hand Often seen as an expense that will not bring family benefits, but only will work for their Husbands family. (Ramsay.m.Darik Elsa Marston, 1996) Furthermore, sons can carry On family name and honor but girls cannot. Therefore, in the eyes of middle- east people Boys are more valuable than girls. This makes the status of girls is lower than boy. Due to the above reasons, the status of girl in Middle East is lower than boy. For example, Most of the name in Middle East always has positive meaning. But some of the girls Names have negative meaning, like Dalenda which means destroy. From this example, We can easy discover that the status of women in Middle East is low. (Ramsay.m.Darik Elsa Marston, 1996). Furthermore, in Middle East most of the girls expect to do more works at home than boys. They need to wash the dishes, preparing food and taking charge of younger children. It is very common to see a child to take care a baby. Girls when they are reaching 11 years old. Then she will be require to be a prefect Islam woman. She will teach by her mother to be a shy and quiet girl. To learn the traditional behavior and skills of Islam. They need to dress more conservative and need to obey their father, brother pr even male relatives or der and advice. They are required to be a prefect girl. Base on the Koran says the seeking of knowledge is a duty of every men and every women. Therefore, even is a girl also will have an opportunity to be educated. However, most of the conservative family in Middle East only willing to sent their girls to the Traditional school. To learn the traditional behavior and norms. The conservative families mainly oppose to sent their girls to the modern school because they believe if a girl learns about something besides the Korans then they might try to communicate secretly with someone outsides her house. Also, the modern education is expensive. The money put on a girl would be waste when she went to live with her husbands family. Therefore, only 38 to 44% of girls in Middle East countries would get a chance to study. (Mahnaz Afkhami, 1996) Although, the girls also can have an opportunity to be educated, but there is a two society in middle- east. For example in Saudi- Arabia require sep arate schools for boys and girls. (Mahnaz Afkhami, 1996) The girl in Saudi Arabia needs work harder at school but they would not have a summer vacations or there are less recreational activities for girls. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia girls need to wear uniform, which is long- sleeved blouse, ankle length skirts or even she needs to wear abba ( Full length black cloak) to school. Moreover, the teaching sllysmulls in Saudi also is quite conservative and old- Fashioned. The schools are teaching the girls how to be a good mother. Also only encourage they be a nurse or a teacher in future but no more. Isam is the majority religion in middle- east, according to the Mohammed speaking, Men have a status above women. And men have authority over women because God has made one superior to the other. Due to this tradition religion, therefore, the women status in the Middle East is low. In some extreme traditional Islamic lands such as Saudi Arabia women are expected to remain strictly obedient to men, womens behavior is not Only the key to her family honor, but also is a key to remain the mortality in the middle East society. Therefore, the western thinking is a kind of dangerous to the traditional society. As this may lets a girl to against her family or fathers order. Moreover, the image of women in right behavior is a necessary safeguard to the culture preservation. Therefore, in many Middle East countries, like Saudi Arabia has a special enforcement Unit knows as religious police. These men aggressively watch the public for such Offenses as women driving and unmarried couples appearing together in public. Also in Saudi Abria women are not allowed to works, study or dress as she pleased. Furthermore, she cannot drive or go out alone. Or even women have no freedom to go to other Countries alone. Womens rights are strictly restricted. ( Martha C. Nussbaum, 2000) Protect the girls honor is the great and important responsibility of the father in middle East. This led out two conservative tradition customs in the middle- east world: Female Circumcision and Honor killing. Women and girls in middle- east countries are affected no matter in urban or rural, educated or non- educated. When a girl is about 5-6 years old then she needs to be circumcised. ( Waris Divie Cathleen Miller, 1999) It is because in the mind of people in middle- east it can prevent a girl from becoming wild and can ensure she will remain virgin until marriage and will then remain faithful to her husband. Or even it can make a girl a woman, purifies, more beautiful. The girls in middle East believes it is another tool for the men to control the women in middle-east. However, the circumcision is quite dangerous to the women. It can result in permanent physical and emotional damage also can cause infections or fatal. (Ramsay.m.Darik Elsa Marston, 1996) so it really is a horrible tradition in the Middle East world. Moreover, if a girl has a Misbehavior then her father or brother will have a right to kill her without serious Punishment. It is because they need to protect the name and honor of their family. Traditionally, the honor of the family depends on the behavior of its female members. So that it is very important for the family to protect female sexual purity. Need to protect the women from sexual misbehavior. Base on the Koran God created sexual desire in 10 parts. Then he gave 9 parts to women and 1 part to men. So women must be closely watched. Therefore, in her familys eyes the longer a daughter waits before marrying, the greater chance that she will disgrace herself with some men. So that most of the girls in Middle East is early married. But the traditional marriage watch in Middle East is lack of Romanic moves but just like a Kind of business. The parents choose the husband for their girl only base on one reason Is this marriage is a right match? The marriage usually is like a kind of alliance Between two families. Furthermore, the marriage will bring th e economic and social Advantages to both families. The girl in Middle East usually has to marry a man she has never met. Or even parents suppose their daughter to marry with an older man. Girls act Like an asset of the family. So the family would like to sell their girls at the highest price. So a girl may be expected to marry a man who can bring the economic benefit to her Family. If the girl wants to disobey her fathers choice then the only way for her can do is run away or attempt suicide. This really is a tragedy in the Middle East world. Wife must need to obey her husband as the male has a dominance status in the middle- East world. According to the Koran says If a wife is rebellious, then her husband should Admonish her, punish her to her couch and strike her. Therefore, the religious gives the Men a right to hit their wife. So the domestic violence is quite common in the Middle East. Also, in the Middle East world polygamy is allowed. That mean man can have more than One wife . Islam allows a man to have up to 4 wives. This is very common in some Conservative countries like in Saudi Arabia. But in fact, women can gain more power When they become older. They will handle the right of household finances, discipline children and not hesitate to speak her mind. In Middle East, it is quite easy for a man to divorce his wife anytime. But if divorce the men need to pay all married cash to his wifes family and the women can keep the gold, jewelly, clothing and need to move back into her fathers or brothers household, under the eye of her male relative. In the tradition view, a wifes primary job is to bear and raise children- especially boys. They are not encouraged to go out for working. It is because working and earning living is the mans responsibility. In fact, if a woman need to go out for working. Then it is a sign to show that her husband cannot support her living. This really is a shameful to the male. But even, the woman can go out for working. However, t here is still sex segregation in some countries. In Saudi Arabia, women can only be a teacher, nurse and mother. The government is restricting the woman to manage business, travel aboard to study, eat in restaurant. Also, women only can work in the restaurant, hospital, newspaper and magazine which for women only. Both in the west and middle east societies, veiling is the popular word for the practice by which a woman conceals her hair and body and sometimes her face. A more accurate term is bijah. The reason for the women to wear the bijah is to hide the sight of womans beauty. Furthermore, it turns their thoughts away from pious, proper behavior: an adolescent youth suffers from frustrated sexual desire and a middle aged man thinks of discarding his wife and finding a much younger and beautiful woman. All of these would led the society become instability. So it is a responsibility for women to prevent these things happen. So they need to put on the veil. Moreover, some of the wome n to go out to the society and can move more freely and not bothered by men. Otherwise, an unveiled woman would likely receive cold stares and insults. Therefore, a woman veiled may say that she feels greater freedom and more safety than she did before adopting the bijah. Furthermore, a veiled woman can prove that she is a good Islam woman and other people will respect her and regard her only as a coworker, fellow students and not as a sex object. Another advantage of the veil is allowed woman stop thinking about her looks and to move concentrate on the important things, such as her job, study and family. Lastly, a girl who covers her face can make her parent to believe her she will behave properly and not attract improper attention. This makes it easier for a girl to go out and spend times with her friends without bother. To conclude, in fact in some Middle East countries the women status has some Remarkable improvement. They can be more independence. There is increasing numbers of women have no men to support them. They can go out for working like in Libya woman even can be a soldier. More and more women love working and see their works as an expression of individual ability, self esteem and growth. Also, more women are choosing to remain independent, postponing or refusing marriage. They even want to work after marriage. Some of them even said they would not marry with a man who wanted them to give up their career. This is really is a sign of improvement in Middle East world. But there is still a long struggle for the women in Middle East to fight for their better life and rights.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Delia Jones Transformation in Sweat Essays -- Sweat Essays

Delia Jones' Transformation in Zora Neale Hurston's Sweat Through external conflict exhibited by three significant occasions with the antagonist and husband, Sykes Jones, Zora Neale Hurston takes her leading character, Delia Jones, through an internal change from a submissive character to an aggressive and defensive character in her short story, "Sweat." When the story opens, one finds Delia Jones on a Sunday evening washing clothes, as was her profession, and humming a tune, wondering where her husband had gone with her horse and carriage. Little did she know that within the week she would stand against her abusive husband and watch him die of the situation he would create. Delia's repose was suddenly upset by interference from her husband, Sykes, who dropped "something long, round, limp and black" upon her shoulders. Delia's worst fear was that of snakes, and her husband found joy in mocking and terrifying her. After brief argument, Sykes continued to disrupt Delia's work by kicking the clothes around and threatening throw them outside or hit her. He also mentioned a promise to "Gawd and a couple of other men" that he would no longer have white people's clothes in his house. At this she responds in a manner greatly surprising to Sykes: Delia's habitual meekness seemed to slip from her shoulders like a blown scarf. She was on her feet; her poor little body, her bare knuckly hands bravely defying the strapping hulk before her... She seized the iron skillet from the stove and struck a defensive pose, which act surprised him greatly, coming from her. It cowed him and he did not strike her as he usually did. By nightfall, Sykes had gone for the evening without saying where or when he would be bac... ...lia Jones endured fifteen years of violence, disrespect, and infidelity, and only in those last few months was she able to muster some form of resistance. Until Sykes threatened all that she had, her home and her job, she was content enough just sweating it out. However, Sykes made that grave mistake on his own accord, and when leaving Delia with nothing to lose, he found that he had set himself up for a losing battle. Delia had surrendered to him in all those years, but Sykes had finally found a way to bring out the worst in his wife, and her aggression was finally realized by defending all that she had. After such pain and endurance, one can easily recognize how Delia Jones played the lead role in a short story called "Sweat." Works Cited: Hurston, Zora Neale. "Sweat." Norton Anthology of Southern Literature. Ed. William L. Andrews. New York: Norton, 1998.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Environmental Regulation of Offshore Essay

The Environmental Regulation of Offshore Waste management in Nigeria has been documented in an article published by Law Environment And Development [1]. Evidence suggest that, Director of Petroleum Resources has to adopt measure to ensure the adequate regulation of offshore oil and gas E&P waste management [3] and further evidence suggest that, all offshore oil and gas E&P activities should also be subjected to environmental impact assessment at every stage of exploration and production in order to facilitate the proper management of wastes generated [124]. There are counter argument that says although the discharge of produced sands containing LSA/NORM into inland waters and near shore waters is prohibited unless treated to the satisfaction of the Director, no mention is made of discharge into offshore waters [53] and however, certain activities such as unplanned discharge of produced water (requiring contingency permits) and the transfer of produced water to another field for treatment and subsequent re-injection (requiring transfer permits) are not covered by permits or approval under Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria [17] and the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency Act 2007 (hereafter NESREA Act) empower NESREA, amongst other things, to enforce compliance with regulation on the handling and disposal of chemicals and waste except in the oil and gas sector (10).

Retail food industry/fast food chain business

The business that I choose is retail food industry/fast food chain business. For example, McDonald's is my case study in this proposal. This fast food chain business began with Raymond Albert Kroc. Ray Kroc was the exclusive distributor of a milk shake maker called the Multi mixer. That time, Richard and Maurice two brothers were the owner of a brand and ran a burger restaurant in San Bernardino, California, in the 1950s. In 1955, Ray Kroc founded the brand’s Corporation and opened the first restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois. At 1980, the brand’s Corporation, USA gave GOLDEN ARCHES RESTAURANTS SDN BHD the license to operate the brand's restaurants in Malaysia. We in Malaysia got our first taste of the brand and Malaysia opened its first restaurant at Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur on 29 April 1982. To date, the brand’s at Malaysia has more than 200 restaurants located nationwide. Then this is the origin of the brand. My choice business name is McDonald's. It is a fast food industry. Until now, McDonald's Malaysia has more than 200 restaurants located nationwide. McDonald's operation hours are 24 hours, but some outlets inside the shopping centre are just 14 hours only because shopping centre operation hours are not 24 hours. McDonald’s strategic location is built the restaurant in the high traffic area. For example some McDonald’s outlets are built in the shopping centre, because these shopping centres are the most crowded places. Another strategic location is built on the high way because some people who want to buy burger then will go McDonald because McDonald’s have the drive-thru then can let customers feel more convenient and save time. After that I'm chosen the McDonald's place is at Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. Bandar Tun Hussein Onn is a township in 9th-Mile Cheras in Selangor, Malaysia. It was named after the third Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn. It is primarily a residential area and near by the secondary school. This location also has the drive-thru for some customers. McDonald's menus have included the Breakfast, Favorites, Happy Meal, Desserts, Beverages and McCafe. McDonald's products include the McChicken, Quarter Pounder, Big Mac, Cheeseburger, the Fruit and Yogurt Parfait, the Egg McMuffin and Spicy Chicken Mcwrap. At lunch time 12nn – 3p. m. & dinner time 6p. m. – 9p. m. , McDonald have the McValue Lunch & Dinner for discount some products price for let more customers can have the tasty burgers. Some time, McDonald will develop new different taste burger and toys. Like last time, McDonald were develops the McDonald breakfast & dinner box, GCB Burger and Hello Kitty Toys. After that, McDonald aside from free Wifi, can refresh the drink, a children's play area and the drive-thru, in some locations, McDonalds don't offer much in the way of services and other country McDonalds also have the different menus/products for their customers. McDonald also has a service called McDelivery, this service is transport food from McDonald’s restaurant to customer’s houses. These all the things are McDonald’s products/services. McDonald in the Tun Hussien Onn, customers demographic is younger persons occupying relatively high. After that, this also suitable for our Muslim consumer to purchase the product, because McDonald's products are without pork. This is because now, these young persons are like to go someplace where the wifi has and can eat the taste burger. These young persons are included like age 16-25, male, Chinese and Malay persons. For example, every Thursday I also have gathering with my friend at McDonald. This is because this location is near by the secondary school, after school 1p. m. some students who are going to McDonald then can get the McValue Lunch because can get the cheaper price. At dinner time, will more family go to McDonald for their dinner and the McValue Dinner. Some student and officer who are going McDonald not only the McValue, because McDonalds has the free wifi to let these customers who want to meeting or description. From McDonald, some customer will buy McDonald’s product/services because McDonald has the fast service and tasty burger. Sometimes, people who are going McDonald not only just in order to the tasty burger, also enjoy the comfortable environment, the refresh free drink and the free wifi services. After that, because McDonald has the McValue Lunch & Dinner, then can let customers use cheaper price and get the tasty burger sets. Next, McDonald also has the drive-thru and the delivery service then can let customers feel convenient. McDonald is not only the fast food business in Malaysia. For example, KFC and MarryBrown are also the fast food business companies then these 2 companies are McDonald’s competitors. First, KFC’s product also included burger, but KFC company main product not the burger, is the fried chicken. Then KFC and McDonald differences are the main product and McDonald can free refresh the drink. At others country, KFC also have the delivery. Second, MarryBrown also selling the same product – burger. But MarryBrown have other different products like Nasi MarryBrown, Nasi Ayam MB, Mi Kari Ayam Goreng, Chick-O-Rice and Chick Porridge. After that, Marrybrown and McDonald differences services are these, included the drive-thru and McDonald has the McDelivery for transport food to customer’s houses. This paragraph is about the McDonald and these 2 competitors differences. McDonald has competitive advantage. First, customers who are going to McDonald can buy the exciting toys and collectibles. But hurry, these toys are available for a limited time only. Second, when customers who are driving car and hungry, customers no need park their car. Then just can go to McDonald’s drive-thru for buy McDonald’s products. Third, if the customers who are have no car for go out have their food, McDonald has the McDelivery for transport food from McDonald’s restaurant to customer’s houses. If as this company – McDonald is my business, First, I will add the different products/ services because let customers can get more tasty products and specially services. Second, change the food price to cheaper because for those low-income customers. Third, is training McDonald's staffs for improve staff’s attitude. After that, my customers can enjoy the tasty food and have the best of services. Then I want to let anywhere also has McDonald’s restaurants. As my conclusion, McDonald's is one of the largest and famous fast food companies in the world. McDonald’s most of operation time is the 24 hours. McDonald always builds their restaurant in high traffic area. McDonald also has so many different products. In Malaysia, all Malaysians are also can go McDonald, because McDonald is non-pork then Muslim consumer can purchase those products. McDonald’s places have comfortable environment, the refresh free drink and the free wifi services. McDonald has a lot of competitors, but McDonald will do the best for their customers. After that, McDonald’s In Malaysia, McDonalds competitive advantages are better than others companies. Last, I hope McDonald’s products are healthier, not only the fried food. Thank you for reading, this is my conclusion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mobilization of Deposits

Topic: â€Å"Mobilization of deposits in banking system of Pakistan† Submitted to: Ma’am Bushra Submitted by: Muhammad Mumtaz (09-arid-929) Tayyab Sultan (08-arid-387) Muhammad Sohail Zafar (09-arid-934) Farhan Ahmed (08-arid-402) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to Almighty ALLAH who had made us able to complete this project with the true knowledge. Special thanks are due to our respected teacher Ma’am Bushra Zulfiqar who have shown us the right way to go for our project to success and enlightened our mind with the tips and guidance to think creatively.We are thankful to our friends, who help us a lot during this course of project. Table of content: 1) Deposit——————————————————————————-4 2) Current Accounts——————————— ———————————-4 3) HBL Freedom Account————————————————————4 4) HBL Business ValueAccount—————————————————-4 5) Term Accounts———————————————————————-5 6) HBL Advantage Account———————————————————-5 7) Investment Plus Deposit————————— —————————â €”–5 8) Savings Accounts————————————————– —————–5 9) PLS – Savings Account————————————————————-6 10) Remittance Munafa Plus Savings Account—————————————6 11) Foreign Currency Accounts———————————————————7 12) Mobilization of deposits————————————————————-8 13) HBL Car Loan—————â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ ——————8 14) HBL Car To Car———————————————————————–9 15) HBL Credit Card———————————————————————10 16) HBL Home Loan———————————————————————11 17) HBL INVESTMENT BANKING———————————– ————–13 18) HBL Zarai Banking————â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€14 19) MCB Islamic banking——————————————————- ——–17 20) Al-Makhraj Saving Account————————————————— —–17 21) IANAT Account———————————————————————–18 22) Al Makhraj Term Deposit————————————————————20 23) Ijarah———————†”————————————————————20 24) Murabahah——————————————————————– ———-21 25) Diminishing Musharika Equipment————————————————-21 Abstract: Banks generally adopt following strategies to mobilize their Deposits in two categories 1-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Demand Deposits which are payable to the owner on demand i. e Savings Accounts Current Account etc. 2-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time Deposits.These are Fixed Deposit for various tenors ranging from month to 10 years and are payable at maturity. * Banks accept Deposits from institutions like Government institution s, public ltd and Private limited companies and Trusts etc. * Banks accept Deposits from general public by launching various Deposit schemes catering the needs of every segment of society and offer attractive Profit rates on these schemes. * For example HBL offers HBL Money club Account to kids up to the age of 18 and offer ATM Card (with restricted Limit) and attractive Profit Rates up to 7. 55% to attract the youngsters who will subsequently prefer to maintain their Account with HBL till life time. For Businessmen who frequently transfer money to and from their Accounts to make their business payments HBL offers Freedom Account in which they can make Drafts of unlimited Number and amount and free online funds transfer by maintaining minimum daily balance of Rs. 25,000. 00/- only. This strategy attracts huge numbers of businessmen to HBL which has competitive advantage of largest Network of branches in every city of Pakistan with online facility. * For customers mostly businessmen who want profit on daily basis HBL Offers HBL Daily Progressive Account on which profit is calculated on daily basis and credited into customers Accounts at month end. * Similarly to encourage the remittances by expatriates through banking channels HBL offers RMPA Remittance Plus Munafa Accounts. * HBL mobilizes its deposits in the form of investments in projects and give loan to corporations as well as to the consumer.HABIB BANK LIMITED: DEPOSITS: There are different types of deposits account. Current Accounts: Make unlimited transactions while maintaining a low minimum balance every month. Current Account of HBL: * Minimum balance of Rs. 5,000 * Unlimited transactions * Non-profit bearing * HBL Debit Card and Inter Branch Transaction System (IBTS) facilities * Funds transfer to any bank through HBL Phone Banking Basic Banking Account (BBA): * Can be opened with only Rs. 1,000 * No minimum balance requirement * Up to 2 withdrawal and 2 deposit transactions free every month * Unlimi ted withdrawals through HBL Debit Card * Non-profit bearing HBL Freedom Account:Use your money as you please with HBL Freedom Account. Rest free from worries and expand your business with unmatched accessibility. HBL Business Value Account: * No minimum balance requirement * HBL Debit Card and Inter Branch Transaction System (IBTS) facilities * Unique transactional account for Businessmen * Up to 10 Bankers Cheques free (at minimum balance of Rs. 500,000) * Profit calculated daily, paid every quarter * Up to 5. 35% profit per annum * Funds transfer to any bank through HBL Phone Banking. * Nominal monthly maintenance charge of Rs. 50 Term Accounts: Invest your savings in our term deposits for a fixed duration and earn profit while keeping your savings secure.HBL Advantage Account: | | |   | | | | | | | | | Term| Profit per annum| 1 Year | | 12. 00%| | 3 Year | | 14. 00%| | 5 Year | | 15. 00%| | 10 Year | | 18. 00%| | | | |   | †¢ | Multiple options for tenure and profit payo ut. | †¢| Loan facility up to 90% of investment. | †¢| Minimum investment of Rs. 25,000. | †¢| Withdrawal at end of fixed term. | Investment Plus Deposit: * Profit paid at maturity * Minimum investment of Rs. 20 million| * Multiple options for tenure and profit payout| * Withdrawal at end of fixed term * Account for Institutions| Savings Accounts: Avail the flexibility of making transactions while earning profit on daily/monthly basis.HBL Value Account: * 7. 19% profit per annum| * Profit calculated monthly, paid every quarter| * Deposit ranges from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1,000,000| * Two withdrawals free every month| PLS – Savings Account: * 5. 06% profit per annum| * Profit paid bi-annually| * HBL Debit Card and Inter Branch Transaction System (IBTS) facilities| * Funds transfer to any bank through HBL Phone Banking| * Minimum balance of Rs. 20,000| * Unlimited transactions| Remittance Munafa plus Savings Account: * Special account for receiving foreign remittance s| * 5. 12% profit per annum| * Profit paid every month| * Minimum balance of Rs. 20,000| Daily Munafa Account: Profit calculated daily, paid every month| * Up to 8. 84% profit per annum| * HBL Debit Card and Inter Branch Transaction System (IBTS) facilities| * Funds transfer to any bank through HBL Phone Banking| * Minimum balance of Rs. 20,000| Daily Progressive Account: * Unique transactional account for Institutions| * Profit calculated daily, paid every month| * Up to 11. 57% profit per annum| * Inter Branch Transaction System (IBTS) facility| * Funds transfer to any bank through HBL Phone Banking| * Minimum balance of Rs. 20,000| Foreign Currency Accounts: HBL offers Foreign Currency Accounts in multiple currencies as savings and term accounts. FC-SB: Savings Account offered in 3 currencies, USD (US dollar), EUR (Euros) and GBP (UK pound)| * Tiered product, with rates depending on choice of currency| * To earn profit, minimum balance should be 1000 USD, EUR or GBP| * Interest is payable on a quarterly basis| HYFFD (High Yield Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit): * Available in 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 Month in USD, EUR | * Tiered product, with rates depending on choice of currency and term| * Profit paid on maturity only. | Mobilization of deposits: HBL CAR LOAN: HBL CarLoan helps you get your preferred car through a simple and hassle-free process, backed by superior service and support. Now you can drive a car you always wanted. Features: * Choice of used, new local/imported and reconditioned imported car. * Repayment options ranging upto 7 years. | * Up to 85% of financing for the car of your choice. | * Insurance at all times for complete peace of mind and security. | * Round the clock support available through HBL Phone Banking you can place your requests and queries, track the status of your repayment/loan account and avail other value-added services through HBL Phone Banking. | Eligibility criteria: | Salaried Individuals | Self-Employ ed Business persons/ Professionals | Citizenship| Pakistani| Pakistani| Age| 22-60 years | 22-65 years | Minimum monthly income| Rs. 20,000 | Rs. 25,000 | Documentation: Salaried Individuals | †¢ | Copy of CNIC | | 2 recent passport size photographs| †¢| Latest original salary slip and personal bank statement for last 3 months| | Self-Employed Business persons/Professionals| †¢ | Copy of CNIC | †¢| 2 recent passport size photographs| †¢| Bank statement for last 6 months and bank letter confirming details of account| †¢| Proof of business| | HBL Car To Car:| HBL Car To Car is a revolutionary car financing offer. It makes the car of your choice affordable and practical with a buy back guarantee. HBL CarToCar offers matchless features and unique options at the end of the lease. Now you can drive a new car at the end of every two years. Features: Affordability:With HBL Car To Car, you only have to pay the difference between the car price and the pre-agreed residual value to the bank. As a result, the monthly installment may even be 40% to 50% less than that of conventional financing Upgrade of lifestyle: HBL gives you the guarantee that if you wish to return the car to us at the end of the lease term, you will not have to pay off the car’s residual value. Instead, we will directly settle this outstanding liability for you under the buy back guarantee. Hence, you can upgrade to a new car as frequently as two years* without any complication and hassle. Pay only for what you use:When you lease a car under HBL Car To Car, you only pay for that part of the car’s value that you use during the lease term.The car’s residual value* (forecasted for the end of the specific lease term) is agreed with you at the start of the lease term. This amount is deducted from the car price thus lowering the finance amount. This finance amount is based only on a part of the car’s value and not the full value of the car. Therefore, HBL CarToCar offers very low installments as compared to any conventional financing. |   | .| Flexibility| | HBL Car To Car offers you several choices at the end of the lease term:| * Upgrade – Simply return the car to HBL and drive a new one home | | * Walk away – Return the car to HBL and end the lease| | * Buy – Keep the same car.Just make a one-time settlement of the car’s residual value to HBL or pay the same in easy installments over a specified extended period of time| | * Sell – Enjoy the gain from selling off the car at a higher price in the market than what you ay HBL as the residual value| Eligibility criteria: | Salaried Individuals | Self-Employed Business persons/ Professionals | Citizenship| Pakistani| Pakistani| Age| 22-60 years | 22-65 years | Minimum monthly income| Rs. 20,000 | Rs. 25,000 | Documentation: Self-Employed Business persons/Professionals †¢ | Copy of CNIC | †¢| 2 recent passport size photographs| †¢| Bank statement for last 6 months and bank letter confirming details of account| †¢| Proof of business| Salaried Individuals | †¢ | Copy of CNIC | †¢| 2 recent passport size photographs| | Latest original salary slip and personal bank statement for last 3 months| | | | HBL Credit Card:| Welcome to a world of convenience and flexibility. Accepted at over 29 million merchants worldwide, HBL Credit Card makes shopping fun and paying simple. So make the most of your shopping experience. Gold Card|   | Green Card| Rupees| Minimum gross salary requirements| Rupees| 50,000| | Salaried individuals| 15,000| | 180,000| | Self-employed business persons/professionals| 25,000| | | Rupees| Credit limit range| Rupees| 150,000| | Minimum| 20,000| | 500,000| | Maximum| | | | HBL Home Loan:| HBL Home Loan offers financing options to purchase a new house or renovate an existing house.Outright purchase: The outright purchase loan option provides financing for buying a new house. Home im provement: Home-improvement loan option provides financing for renovating your house. Outright Purchase| Descriptors| Home Improvement/ Renovation | 3 years to 20 years| Loan tenure| 3 years to 20 years| Rs. 300,000 – Rs. 15,000,000| | Loan amount| Rs. 300,000 – Rs. 5,000,000| | 85%| | Maximum financing amount (as % of appraised value of the property)| 70%| | 5 years| Property lease (years remaining at the time of loan maturity) | 5 years| Borne by the Bank| | Property insurance| Borne by the Bank| | Primary applicant and co-borrower| | Life insurance through HBL by the insurance company on HBL panel)| Primary applicant and co-borrower| | Eligibility criteria: | Salaried Individuals| Self-Employed Business Persons/ Professionals| Nationality | Pakistani (resident) | Pakistani (resident) | Age criteria of the main applicant and co-borrower whose income is being clubbed (spouse only)| | Permanent employees Minimum age at the time of loan application should be 21 years. M aximum age at the time of loan maturity should be 60 years. Contractual employees Minimum age at the time of loan application should be 21 years. Maximum age at the time of loan maturity should be 55 years | Minimum age at the time of loan application should be 21 years.Maximum age at the time of loan maturity should be 65 years. | | Length of Employment| | Permanent employees Minimum 1 year experience; 6 months experience with confirmed employment status in the current job. Contractual employees Minimum 2 years work experience. Third party contractual not eligible. | Minimum 2 years experience in personal business| | | Documentation:| Salaried Individuals| | * CNIC copy * 2 passport size photographs * Letter from employer * 2 latest salary slips or salary certificate * Bank statement for last 6 months and bank letter confirming details of account * Copies of property documents| | Self-Employed Business Persons/ Professionals| CNIC copy * 2 passport size photographs * Proprietorship : Bank Certificate / Latest Tax Assessment Order * Latest one year bank statement * Partnership Deed * Registered Form C * Memorandum, Article of association and registered Form 29 A (applies to company directors) * Copies of property documentsSchedule of bank charges: Application processing charges (including 16% FED)| Rs. 7,000/- (non-refundable)| Early settlement charges | 4. 7% of outstanding principal | Partial payment charges | 4. 7% of adjusted principal | Late payment charges | Rs. 700 (for each late payment) | Property evaluation fee | Actual cost plus 16% FED to be recovered | Legal fee | Actual cost plus 16% FED to be recovered | | HBL INVESTMENT BANKING: HBL offers full-service Investment Banking capabilities to its clientele. This year alone, HBL has closed over thirty transactions with a cumulative worth of over USD 2 billion. This is a testament to the out-of-box thinking and the innovative products we bring to our customers.The Investment Banking Group functions in t hree specialist business areas: Project Finance, Debt Capital Markets & Syndications and Equity Capital Markets & Advisory. Project finance: The bulk of HBL’s project finance practice revolves around the power sector. Prior to the power policy of 2002, HBL actively pioneered Project Finance in Pakistan through the funding of a gas-fired co-generation plant (94 Megawatts of power and desalination of 3 million gallons per day). Subsequent to the 2002 power policy, HBL continues to play a fervent role in the sector and is the only Investment Bank that was Lead Advisor to all IPP transactions that achieved financial close.In the fertilizer sector, HBL financed the largest local currency financing in Pakistan, worth PKR 23 billion, as well as a green field venture in the telecom sector worth PKR 12 billion. Debt Capital Markets & Syndications: Depending on the requirements of its customers, HBL offers a variety of products, including syndications, securitizations, privately placed and listed TFCs, term finance facilities, commercial papers, etc. HBL played the lead role in a number of significant debt transactions, including PKR 15. 14 billion TFC issue (the largest privately placed issue in Pakistan), the first bond offering for any microfinance institution in all of Asia, credit enhancement for a rapidly growing company in the consumer durables sector and numerous tier-2 capital transactions for commercial banks. Equity & Advisory:HBL offers a breadth of equity and advisory products including innovative capital raising techniques, restructurings, public and private equity placements and mergers & acquisitions. The HBL team played a pivotal role across several sectors, including energy, agriculture, consumer products, fertilizers, etc. , for raising various forms of equity and quasi-equity. Recently, HBL structured a convertible debt note with a built-in Put feature for a US-based provider of agriculture technology and dairy solutions – a first of it s kind transaction in Pakistan. HBL also provides valuation for a company in the food and beverages sector. HBL ZaraiBanking:HBL ZaraiBanking facilities are spread across the country and provide financing through more than 800 of our branches. HBL’s presence in all agriculture belts of the country ensures easy access to farmers in rural areas. HBL ZaraiBanking provides loans to small-scale land owning farmers as well as large institutionalized and alliance based finance, enhancing agricultural harvest and, in turn, economic output of the country. Products: HBL ZaraiBanking enables farmers to invest in premier quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural implements and non-farm setups through its various product programs. Crop Inputs: Crop specific finance for purchase of Agri inputs such as seed, fertilizer, pesticide and other related inputs. Farm Implements:Finance available for purchase of farm implements & machinery like combined harvester, sprayers, ploughs, tube wells and other crop-related tools/implements. Tractors/Agricultural Vehicles: Finance available to individual farmers, self-employed tractor operators, providing the option to select vehicles from a range of different manufacturers. Livestock: Finance available for feed, medicines, raw material, raising charges and other related activities. Poultry: Finance available for all poultry related activities including poultry farm construction/equipment, hatchery plant & machinery, poultry feed, poultry medicines, composite feed production, poultry processing and other related activities. Fish Farming: Finance available for inland fish farms as well as deep-sea fishing.This includes procurement of boat, fish locating equipment, nets & ropes, ice maker, fish farm water solution, hatchery construction/equipment, purchase of medicines / feed and other related activities. Group Lending: Joint finance facility for a group of farmers with small land holdings for working capital requirement. MC B Islamic banking Islamic Banking Division was formed with effect from 1st January 2003, which in a short span of time, has developed sufficient expertise, necessary infrastructure, information technology, and manpower to run Islamic Banking Operations and offer Islamic Banking Products. Mission statement: To play a dynamic role in promotion of Islamic Banking and win customers trust by providing sharia compliant financial services. Vision:To become a leader among Islamic Banks of the country in the coming years capturing major share of the domestic Islamic financial market. Al-Makhraj Saving Account: The minimum deposit requirement for Al-Makhraj Saving Account is only Rs. 5000 and profits can be earned 6-monthly. Other features associated with this product are as follows: Minimum Initial Deposit: Rs. 5000 Islamic Tools used in designing the product: Mudaraba/ Musharaka Product to be availed by: Individuals & Joint Account Holders (Local) Companies, Corporate, Trusts, etc Special A dvantages: For Customer = Bi-Annual Profit Payment; Withdrawal Facility Shariah = Meets requirements for Shariah Compliance Additional Features: | * Personalized Cheque books| * Withdrawal Facility from ATM/ Debit Card| | * Online deposit as per bank's policy| | * Virtual Banking| | * Call Centers Facilities| | * 6-monthly profit payment on the basis of monthly declared rates| | * Issuance of duplicate statement of account (as per SOBC)| | * Free bank balance certificates (once in 6 months)| | * Taking stop payment/ hold mail/ standing instructions| | * No penalty if balance falls below minimum level. | | * Personal financial consultancy services (regarding Shariah Compliant products)| | * Utility bill payment via ATM card| | * Choice of statement frequency (as per Schedule of Charges)| IANAT Account:For customers who are looking for a chequing account that gives them the ease of doing unrestricted number of transactions, we offer Al-Makhraj Ianat Account. With a minimum of only Rs. 10,000, Ianat Account may be opened. With all the features and facilities that this product offers, it is highly recommended for management of business funds. Details of the product are as follows:| | 1| Minimum Initial Deposit: Rs. 10,000| 2| Product to be availed by: Individuals ; Joint Account Holders (Local), Companies, Corporate, Trusts, etc| 3| Additional Features: | | A| Personalized Cheque books| | B| Withdrawal Facility from ATM/ Debit Card| | C| Online deposit as per bank's policy| D| Debit card; Utilities payment via ATM card| | E| Virtual Banking| | F| Call center facilities| | G| Free bank balance certificates (once in 6 months)|   | H| Taking stop payment/ hold mail/ standing instructions|   | I| Issuance of duplicate statement of account (as per Schedule of Charges)|   | J| Choice of statement frequency (as per Schedule of Charges)|   | K| No penalty if balance falls below minimum level. | 4| Banking Network: IBD's Branch only| | Al Makhraj Term Deposit: A mi nimum of Rs. 25,000 is required for investment in Al-Makhraj Term Deposit. Choice of tenors can be made from a list of options namely 1, 3 ; 6 months, 1 or 2years.Profit payment options available to customers are monthly, quarterly and/ or at maturity. Details of the product are as follows: * Minimum Deposit: Rs. 25,000| * Islamic Tools used in designing the product: Mudaraba/ Musharaka| * Tenors Available:1 mth, 3 mth, 6 mth, 1 yr or 2 yrs | * Product to be availed by: Individuals ; Joint Account Holders (Local), Companies, Corporate, Trusts, etc| * Special Advantages: | | * For Customers = Profit Payment Options customized to suit needs of customers; Minimum Deposit requirement’s lower than most banks so it is more accessible/ affordable for people | | * Shariah = Meets requirements for Shariah Compliance | | * Additional Features: | | * Call center facilities| * Taking hold mail/ standing instructions for profit payments etc| | * Personal financial consultancy services (re garding Shariah Compliant products)| Profit Sharing Ratio on Al-Makhraj Account: Profit Sharing Ratio on Al-Makhraj Riba-Free Savings ; Term Deposit   Accounts is: Rabbul Maal (Depositor)|   Ã‚  70%| Mudarib (Bank)|   Ã‚  30%| MCB offers 3 broad Islamic fund based facilities: * Ijarah * Mudarabah * Diminishing Musharika Equipment Ijarah: MCB’s Islamic Ijarah, analogous to the English term ‘leasing’, is based on the ‘Ijarah wa Iqtina’ concept which means the sale of the asset to the lessee (customer) after the Ijarah has matured. Under this scheme, MCB will be the owner of the asset, and you (lessee) will be given the asset to use